Chapter 49 - The Amazing Race

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A/N: Sheep- Sorry this has taken me such a long time to upload. It's been done last month but I constantly kept forgetting to upload it. Again, my apologies. Enjoy!

Chapter 49 – The Amazing Race


So today’s the amazing race. I wonder what’s in store for us this year.

I got to school and we assembled at the field. I looked for my runners. Ah, they’re early as usual. Or rather I’m late, as usual. Everyone was wearing their jerseys and club tees. We had the smart asses on one half of the field and the sport asses on the other half. It was just so colourful.

Well, track and field doesn’t exactly have a jersey but you can bet that our club tee was the best one of the lot. To me, at least. Everyone else’s has pictures of their club; most of them had their club name, but ours? It had the words, “Track and field: It’s run or die” printed on the front of the white shirt. And at the back it has our name and face. Well, you have to draw your face and design your own name before sending it in for printing. You don’t want to see the face that was printed on the back of my shirt. It was a picture of Voldemort. How did I draw it? Well, my artistic skills aren’t that fantastic but trust me, the Voldemort looks presentable enough. As for my name on the shirt, it was just, well, my name.

“Ahem, testing.” A voice boomed through the microphone. We all looked up to the podium. It was Mr. Murray. “Good morning, girls. I’d like to welcome all of you to the inaugural opening of the amazing race! Today, you girls will be competing against one another and I hope all of you will participate actively. May the best club win!” And with that, he blew the horn and everyone ran to the first station.

The first stations was basketball. I haven’t actually played basketball competitively before. I mean, I’ve tried shooting but I was never good at it. That kinda explains why I’m in track and field in the first place. We were required to shoot three three-pointers before we could move on to the next station. Ugh… Fiona, Jessica and Michelle sure have it easy now.

Only one player was required to represent the team for shooting. And apparently the team voted me because I was supposedly the ‘tallest’. I grabbed the ball from them and began attempting a few shots before I realized I was making NO progress at all. Not a single basket. I decided to pull out. I walked up to Diana, “Diana, you shoot.” I threw the ball to her and watched. She stood by the three-point line and shot. It went in. Damn it, we should’ve got her to shoot in the first place! I looked around the basketball court to check if basketball was still here. They weren’t. Of course not, they’re basketball players. This is their forte. What was I thinking?

And in no time, we were done with the first station thanks to Diana.

The second station was back out on the field. Well, not exactly on the field but rather around the field. That’s right, it’s on the running track. The next station was a 400-meter sprint. Of course, as always, we won. What can I say? I am a sprinter after all so I guess the team made the right choice this time, of putting me as the representative.

We moved on to the third station, soccer. This was just on the field so we didn’t have to travel far. We gathered on the soccer field and this time the requirement was to score a single goal. Obviously the winner was the soccer team.

The next station was back on the running track again. This time, it was a piggyback race, blindfolded. Oh my God. I looked to Diana. “Get on my back?” Diana rolled her eyes and jumped on before I took off at the speed of light. But apparently, having Diana on my back was a bad choice. She panicked so hard she couldn’t differentiate left from right and right from left. So I was literally running left and right, like a snake. We didn’t win although I expected us to. I mean it’s running. How can we not win? Instead, hockey won. Do you have any idea what their tactic was? Yeah, they took the strongest girl whom I have no idea what her name is and that girl was carrying Tracy. Yes, that small little girl. Okay, maybe she isn’t THAT small but she’s pretty small to me.

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