Chapter 1 - Mighty dragons and rainbows

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Chapter 1 - Mighty dragons and rainbows


Breathing deeply, I skipped from stone to stone avoiding the lava below. I had my eyes set on the castle in front of me, admiring its beauty. Every other brick in the building cascading above me had patterns and swirls carved into it. I traced my fingers along the wall before stroking a petal on a pink and white flower that was basking in the sunlight. Reaching up, I grabbed one of the vines curling towards my hand. I went flying into the air before safely landing on top of my castle. My long, slender fingers reached out and grasped the soft, smooth yet stony barrier on the balconys edge. My eyes wandered acoss the edge of the land meeting a giant volcano in the distance. I squinted my eyes looking at the boiling lava pouring over the top of it. Suddenly, the ground shook and-

"H-h-hello," My adventure was interrupted by a shy voice coming behind me. Turning around, I saw a boy with nervous eyes who had a mop of brown messy hair on top of his head. He looked around my age, six. My face instantly lit up with curiousity and hope of gaining a new friend.

"Hi, I'm Jamie! What's your name?" I asked.

"M-my name is Chase," He stuttered showing his nervous side.

"It's a pleasure to meet you kind sir," I curtseyed keeping my eyes locked on his.

"And you too," He half bowed, you could tell he was still nervous.

"Do you want to play castle with me?" I gestured to the climbing frame I was currently stood on.

Nodding his head vigorously, his eyes lit up with happiness. Mummy always said everyone got infected with my bubbly personality. Whatever that means, anyway. His eyes suddenly widened in horror.

"What's wrong?"

"T-T-There... There's a fire breathing dragon over there," He breathed, "It's coming over that rainbow," He pointed to a cloud in the sky that did indeed look like a dragon coming towards us.

Quickly, I ran over to the side of my castle and started slamming a bell back and forth, "Everyone evactuate the village! There is a dragon on the loose," I bellowed.

"Wait... Look! It's smiling at us!" He exclaimed.

"It is?" I enquired.

"Yes! It is!" I tried to focus on the game we were playing but all I could see was a big, nasty dragon planning to set the villiage on fire.

"But... Dragons are always mean... Always!" I emphasised.

"Don't be silly! There are mean dragons and nice dragons,"

"But I've only seen big, bad bully ones... I didn't know you could get nice ones?"

"Of course you can!" He grinned at me.

"But I didn't know they could have two p-p-personalities?" I struggled on the last word. Randomly, he started frowning. Mimicking his actions, I started frowning too, but I also furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"There's two sides to everything... And everyone," He whispered.


You know when you get an idea and you can't get it out of your head? Then you write it down and tell yourself you'll do it after you've done something else? But then your brain keeps saying 'Do itttttt, You know you want to..........' And then you give up and you have to do it? That happened with me...! Gah D: Anyways, hope you enjoyed! It's just a mini taster kind of :P >:3

Amazing cover to the side is by _fraudulent! Be sure to check them out :)

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- Bee

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