Chapter 17: The Kiss

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We arrived at long last at De Las Ali Do. We immediately went to the hotel where we were checked in and went to our rooms. The boys had their own rooms and we girls also. Their room was 412 while ours was 414. So we were just in front of each other. After unpacking our stuffs, we went to eat dinner at a trendy restaurant called “Wavey Diner”.

I ordered a subway sandwhich while my brothers ordered the wavey diner special, chicken sandwhich with curry sauce, our mom’s ordered a fresh salad and our dad’s ordered a bucket of spicy chicken. They were having this contest of who could eat more than three spicy chicken without crying for water. Weird dads. Leonard just ate a piece of chicken with gravy. Weird, he likes to eat a lot. Is he on a diet? No way. Diet isn’t in his dictionary. What’s wrong with him?

“Hey.” I patted his shoulders. “You alright? I’m sorry for earlier. Maybe you were mad because of that.”

“No. It’s not that.” He said.

“Then what is it?” I asked.

“Nothing, it’s not important.” He smiled at me and poked my cheeks. “Want a chicken?”

“Nah, that’s the only food you’ve got and I’m gonna take that away? No. I have a heart you know. Why not order a sandwhich? It would make you’re tummy more happy you know.” I said.

“I’m not that hungry. I got dizzy on the whole ride.” He said.

Oh yeah, I forgot, he gets dizzy on cars. WAIT. Oh no! I must have made him want to puke when he was asleep! Oh no.oh no. He has this dizziness syndrome that once his dizzy, he’ll feel that dizziness until night! Oh my goodness!

“Hey..want me to take you to the room? You might vomit here you know..I’m really sorry..” I told him.

“Why sorry? It’s not even your fault. I really have this sickness remember? I should be the one saying sorry because I hugged you in front of our parents. I’m really sorry. Say what, let’s go to the beach. They say there’s fireworks at around 8:40pm. Since it’s 8:30pm, we should go by now.”

“Are you sure you’re alright?” I asked.

“Yes, whenever I am with you, I’ll always be fine.” He smiled and grabbed my arm.

We ran to the beach. They say the fireworks were to be held there.

I can’t believe this. I’m sure Leonard is really not feeling well. I can feel his hot temperature through his hands and he still says that he’s fine. I’m really getting worry. Why will he go through so much trouble just for me? Am I really that special to him? I’m really happy of having Leonard in my life. He isn’t like other guys who doesn’t care about you or doesn’t do efforts. He’s really the best.

“Hey Leonard.” I said with a smile.

“What is it?” He smiled too.

I held his face for so long that he asked, “What’s wrong? Are you alright?”

“Yeah, I just want to do this.” I tiptoed my feet as high as I can to reach him since I was small, then kissed him on the cheeks. “Thank you.” I said with a smile.

When I stepped backward, I felt happy but weird at the same time because of Leonard’s face.

“Y-y-yo-yo-yo-yo-u-you-you k-k-k-is-iss-issed me-e-e..You kissed me?!” He shockingly said.

“Yeah you dummy. But that was just a thank you gift! Nothing more.” I nudged him playfully.

“Are you really Sapphire?! You kissed me?!” He asked crazily.

“Want me to punch you?”

“No mam.”

“Don’t call me mam!”

“No sister.”

“Don’t call me sister you idiot!” Then I chased him around the whole beach.

“Can’t catch me!” Leonard shouted.

“Get back here you stupid Leonard!” I shouted back and chased him. He was like a cat and I was like a dog. You know, chasing each other.

After running so much, Leonard bought two sodas and we sat on the bench to rest before going back to the hotel.

“Are you alright now?” I asked.

“Yeah, I am.” He smiled. “Thank you so much.”

“For?” I asked.

“That..I love you so much Sapphire.” He said.

“You idiot.” I laughed at him. It was so awkward you know.

We went back to the hotel at around 10pm.

He went to his room and I went to mine. A few minutes later I was fast asleep.

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