Undone: [Thirteen] [Part One]

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This might be real short (no idea in terms of Wattpad pages), and some is repeated from Max's POV, but I decided to post what I had because it's been quite a while, plus I like where it ended ;) Exams still ongoing, but I will be done by Thursday, so part two won't take another month to come out. Meanwhile, I (somewhat shamelessly) advertise again for Hanging by a Moment and Learning to Breathe.

And that's enough, you may read now :P

It felt good to breathe again.

As if to make a point to myself, I exhaled loudly. Rodney and I had just been leaving the grounds when the bell rang, so we’d split ways and rushed towards our respective classes. I’d mouthed another ‘thanks’ to him before heading over to my locker, and he’d given me this smile that suddenly made the day seem better.

I’d be okay.

John was far away from me, and there wasn’t really anything he could do. In that instant, I was on a roll. A positive one that had me thinking about how things would suddenly be better, so I kept going. Where I’d done my best to shun away thoughts of him as soon as they appeared, till then, I was letting myself think it through.

Feel it.

Sure, he could keep sending these texts, but he wouldn’t succeed at messing with my head unless I let him, so he had no control over me. All he could do was desperately seek some sort of entertainment from the rotten place he was in, and…the smile on my face faltered.

How had he gotten hold of a cell phone?

What about my number, where had he learned that from?

And how had he known what I’d been doing?

“Stop it, Max,” I hissed quietly under my breath.

I needed to stop. The world knew I did, and I knew I did, but it was hard not to, you know, not think about it. He can’t really do anything to you, Max, and that’s all that matters. And as for lunch, he’d probably just taken a lucky guess. He’d known me well and…oh, God.

In as much as I was determined to move on, I couldn’t help the sick feeling that overcame me everytime I thought about what we’d had. A hand, his, it felt like, would grasp hold of my stomach and squeeze, making me feel hollow yet wanting to throw up at the same time.

I’d cared so much about him, damn it!

Don’t think about it.

How could I not? He’d meant so much to me! He’d been my boyfriend, and as screwed up as our relationship had been, it had been my first. I’d cared about him, about what was bothering him, what made him happy, and he-he’d been playing all along. A sick joke that Mark suggested and he’d agreed to.

I shook my head forcefully, oblivious to anybody onlooker who would probably be wondering if I’d lost it, trying to throw him out of my head. I didn’t need this; I didn’t need to worry about what had been anymore. He hadn’t cared about me in that way, so that was that. The end. Amen. Period.

I need a distraction.

I tried to divert my thoughts elsewhere. My day hadn’t been too bad, I’d attended classes, done my work, a pop quiz, had lunch, and…played Twenty Questions with Lani.

Not helping.

I didn’t dislike Lani, or rather, I hadn’t till then, and even though I knew it wasn’t her fault, I couldn’t help but feel venomous towards her. She wasn’t really the reason everything had gone awry, she’d only been trying to be friendly, but it had only made me think back to where it started – John.

Undone [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now