Chapter 7

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Finshed! Enjoy!!

I woke up the next morning, and at first I didn't know where I was. Then, the previous night's events came back. All of it. Marcus cheating on me, running away, calling Riley, being attacked by the man, Riley saving me and bringing me to his house, and falling asleep in his bed. It all came rushing back.  My head ached, and my eyes were sore from crying. I remembered Marcus on top of the girl, and how he didn't come after me when I ran out. Without warning, I began crying again.

There I sat, in the middle of Riley's bed, crying. And that's how he found me. At first I didn't notice anything, but a slight movement in my periphery alerted me, and I turned. Riley leaned against the door frame. I wiped my face.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"Why are you apologizing?" He asked. I shrugged. "So, are you okay?"

"Fine. Just..."


"I don't want to go home. That's the first place he'll look." If he actually looks for me.

"You can stay here as long as you need to."

"Thanks. But, I'm not kicking you out of your bed. I'll sleep on the couch." I checked the time. 10:30 a.m. Trenton knew I was supposed to come home last night. He'd be out looking for me right now. I needed clothes, and now would be the time to go get them. "Can you drive me to my house? I need clothes."

"Sure. Let's go." I walked, still dressed in Riley's clothes, to his truck. I climbed in the passenger seat, and he got in the drivers side. We drove until we were a block from my house. I told him to stop, and he did.

"If he comes by, I don't want him to know I'm here. He'll definately know if your truck is sitting out front."

"But, If he comes in-"

"If he comes in, he'll find me, yes. But, when he leaves, I'll leave. And he won't know where I am, because your truck isn't sitting there. Stay here. I'll be right back." I quickly jogged the one block to my house. Instead of walking through the front door, which I knew was unlocked, I went around to my bedroom window, opened it, and climbed through. I grabbed a few bags, and started throwing clothes in them.

"Sky."  I froze. Shit. I was caught. I ignored him and continued stuffing clothes in the bags. From the corner of my eye, I saw Marcus climb through the window. "We need to talk." Again I ignored him. He positioned himself where he was standing in front of my dresser, but he was standing far enough away that I could still get stuff. I walked past him, to the dresser, careful not to touch him, and got more things to throw in the bag.

"About last night. I didn't mean for you to see that. Not then." His words annoyed me, and no matter how determined I was not to talk to him, it didn't work.

"Exactly when did you want me to see it Marcus?" I asked not looking him in the eyes, which I knew would piss him off."

"I didn't. I didn't know you'd be there-"

"Oh, so you don't remember the text you sent me telling me to meet you at 9:00?"

"Well, yeah but, it wasn't 9:00 yet." That was it. I snapped.

"Oh I'm sorry! I should waited outside while you finished. God forbid your GIRLFRIEND is a few minutes early! You didn't care if I saw, and you know it! If you did, you wouldn't have been doing it so close to the time I was supposed to be there."

"Sky, that's not true. I-"

"Save it! I saw you riding her like Sea Biscuit. You didn't look upset when I found you. You looked guilty! Because you were. And you didn't do a damn thing to stop me when I ran away. I should have known. But you know what? 2 can play at that game. It doesn't count as cheating though if we aren't together. The next guy will be better than you." That did it. He was pissed. And he showed it as he struck out and hit me In the lip. It burned, and blood ran down my chin, warm and sticky. I laughed. I grabbed my bags, and dropped them out the window, and started to climb out.

"Rot in hell." I said before dropping out of sight. I went a through the shrubs, and into a neighbors yard. Marcus wouldn't be able to find me now. I reached Riley's truck about minutes later having to go a different route. I threw my bags in the back and climbed in. I stared out the window.

"You alright?" Riley asked. I turned allowing him to see my face, blood pouring down it.

"Perfectly fine." Riley's eyes widened at the sight of my bloody lip, and his knuckles tightened on the steering wheel, turning white from the strain. "Let's get out of here." We started to drive past my house, and seen Marcus when I remembered the necklace around my neck. His dog tags and class ring. I took it off, advising Riley to slow down. He did, and I pulled myself through the window. I sat on the sill, and leaned over the top of the truck. I threw them at him, and they landed at his feet. He looked up, and I flipped him off.  I climbed back through the window, and Riley sped off.

The last thing I saw, was his angry expression once he realized who I was with.

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