Chapter Twenty-Five!

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I sat there for a good twenty minutes after the call from John. I was happy at the prospect of too spending some time with him alone but then again, I was worried. I still had feelings for him and I knew that one side of me wouldn’t be able to resist the guy that I was seriously attracted to. The other rational side of me would be opposing and would definitely tell me to watch myself. John wasn’t the most innocent of guys and had people in the past, did I want to be part of that list of people.

My office phone rang and disturbed my thoughts making me jump slightly in my chair.

‘Chinese has arrived. Do you want me to deliver it to your room?’ John asked once I picked up the phone.

‘No, that’s okay. I can come and pick it up myself. Don’t worry.’

‘Okay then.’

Then he dropped the phone.

I stood up, smoothed my skirt down making sure I looked presentable and proceeded to walk over to my boss’ office.

I knocked on his door once I reached it and walked in once he instructed me to enter.

Expecting to find John in front of his desk I was, to say the least, shocked when I found him on the other side of his office sitting on one side of a table, that I had never seen before, with a chair on the other side and our food set out.

‘What is this?’ I asked suspiciously.

I hadn’t planned on having lunch with him. All I had wanted was to get my food and leave as soon as possible. I didn’t want to spend time with him. it was too risky.

‘I prepared, ok well not really prepared, but I kind of set out our lunch.’

‘John. Don’t make this harder than it is already.’ I sighed.

He frowned at me like I was behaving like a little child.

‘Maxine, we were friends before we got romantically involved. Can’t I just spend time with you and have lunch? Pretend I’m Louise and just have lunch with me.’

I thought about it. Technically, we hadn’t had time to be friends so technically he was lying. But then technically, everybody lied at some point in their lives. What was I saying to myself? Max, just have lunch with the guy. He probably won’t bite you.

‘You look like you’re thinking really hard over there.’

I looked back at John. He was now getting up from his chair and walking over to where I was standing near the door.

‘Max?’ John said caressing my cheek which he knew I liked.

You know those times when all of a sudden, all your resolve just collapses. You’ve been putting up a wall for quite some time and you’re just ready to take a break. You shield your feelings for such a long while that eventually you can’t help but expose them, that’s what happened.

I drew John close to me and brushed my lips over his. At first I took it slow. Feeling the shape and outline of John’s lips against mine, but then my flesh took over. The kiss turned into something intense and passionate that soon had the both of us moaning and breathless within two minutes. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that John certainly still had an effect on me if the waves going through me were any indication whatsoever. When John pulled away, he looked as dazed as I felt.

‘Please don’t say anything to ruin this moment.’

I leaned close to suck on his bottom lip because he was pouting a little when the phone rang.

‘Are you going to answer it?’ I questioned.

He turned towards the direction of where the phone was and began to shake his head.

‘You do know that you’re the boss right? People might need to discuss important things with you?’

‘I’m doing my own important thing this very moment.’ He smiled as he placed his lips on my neck making my body go deliciously funny. A feeling I had missed quite a lot.

Soon after, the phone stopped ringing and voicemail picked up. There was a beep and the person began to leave their voicemail.

‘Jonathan! What have I told you about ignoring my calls? You’re in trouble young man. Or are you with that woman? Are things finally going right for you? Call me when you get this or else you’re in even bigger trouble.’

I laughed at the voicemail and turned to John with raised eyebrows. It was so obvious that he was clearly a momma’s boy. No other mother would call her son and talk to him like that especially when they were as grown as Jonathan was. He looked so embarrassed which made me laugh me even harder than before.

‘Have you been talking to your mum about me Johnny boy?’

He sighed and pulled away from me totally.

‘No. she just noticed that I had been quite distracted lately.’

‘Do I affect you that much?’ I asked curiously.

Having a guy like John actually like me so much that his mother was noticing that he was distracted was definitely a boost for my ego but it also made me realize how much this relationship must have meant to him. I mean, for a guy to be so distracted that his mother notices, it must mean he likes you right? That must have been some indication, even if it was just a little one, that John really really liked me and was serious about what we had.

‘Yes you do. Come on, let’s go and eat.’

‘Suddenly, I have no appetite anymore.’ I whispered to myself as John pulled me along to where he had set up our lunch.

‘What was that?’ John asked me.

I shook my head.

The words Louise had spoken to me before were revolving around my brain. The thoughts that I had been thinking the day that John had told me what he had done were also revolving around my brain. It was like an episode of Lizzie McGuire where I had two parts of me talking against one another. Did I want to carry on just being John’s employee or so much more?

Suddenly, there were strong hands on my cheeks and John’s face came into view and I stared into his eyes. The way he looked at me was so caring. It was like I was a butterfly, something beautiful and rare. That was the way John made me feel. Guys like this were rare. They didn’t come around often. Yes, he had cheated in the past, but people could change. I couldn’t judge him on what he had done in the past because who was I to sit on the throne and look down on him?


I snapped out of my reverie and came back to the present.

‘Are you okay?’

This was it. Whatever words came out of my mouth right now would lead to whether or not John and I were back together.

‘Maxine? You’re scaring me. You keep going silent.’




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