To Kill A Man

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Nat’s POV:

I don’t get what happened to me, I was never so violent. I mean I always found content at other peoples misery, but I caused it in an indirect way, I never got into fights. But naturally, I shouldn’t, because… I’m three, who would I fight?

Oh, it’s my birthday in about 5 days, which isn’t that exciting. My fourth birthday, and the second one I can actually remember… whoopee doo.

The fact that I was turning four made me feel really young, as if I shouldn’t be doing what I’m doing… which I shouldn’t. You know what they say, you only live once, make the most of it. Who says four is a young age to start? And anyway, I started getting my powers when I as three.

Copy and paste I thought to myself. Poor idiot, whoever made that one up? It was kind of troubling, something kept nagging at the back of my head, a voice was saying something, but I couldn’t hear it clearly, it confused me for a second, but then I remembered something I didn’t know I knew. Listen carefully, and all the answers will come to you.

I listened really carefully, I blocked out all the sounds of the people outside my room, and I listened to the voice at the back of my head. How come you didn’t take your brothers power?

Well, that was a waste of time, and a serious disappointment. Then I had an idea.

‘How did I learn all this, and who are you’

‘I’m your guardian angel’ the reply came.

‘Jack, do you WANT me to slap you?’

‘Calm down, old lady, I didn’t kill anyone… wish I could say the same to you though’

‘I did not kill Bruce’ I said matter-of-factly, ‘I just severely injured him. Whether he dies or not, is not my problem, it would have been a result of bleeding to death. So I did not throw the killing blow.’

‘You know, you’re too smart for your own good’

‘No I’m not, your just stupid’

‘Err… I have to go? Something came up and I just wanted to ask you how come you didn’t get your brother’s power, I could really use it right now’

‘It’s because I hadn’t developed it yet… I only got it when I talked to my gummy bear…’

‘Hey! I thought you didn’t know!’

‘I didn’t know I knew!’

‘Mentally unstable’

‘Gee thank you so much’

‘Oops did I say that out loud’



‘I thought you had to be going?’

‘Right yeah sure bye’

Well… that was awkward… so, I never knew I would say this… but I think Jake was nervous? I’m not sure, but his words let off an uneasy air around it. That guy worried me.

Another thing, what was that about me being mentally unstable? I mean, Oops did I say that out loud while we were talking telepathically?

There was a knock on my door as I was tucking myself in bed that night.

“COME IIIINNNN!!!!” I boomed from the bed.

“My god, I could feel the vibration on the walls! What’s up with that?”

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