Chapter 22~

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Blinking several times I wipe my hand down my face. How did these past few days go haywire?

First the Prince nearly kills Nik after marking me without permission. Then I found out he had his goon's beat the living crap out of Nik because he knew my secret.

Nik and I figured he would be tried in court not practically killed.

Not even a day later the Prince tries to kill Theo because he walked in on me telling Theo I love him. As a freakin brother!

"Why do males over react?" I whisper to myself.

I knew the Prince was sleeping soundly next to me. His arms twitching to wrap around my waist. Instead only a hand laid firmly on my stomach.

"He is afraid you will leave him once again." An unexpected voice answers.

Sucking in a deep breath at the sudden broken silence I try to calm myself down. "The Prince isn't helping himself by threating the people I love." Getting through to a girls heart is by spoiling her, isn't it? Not that I would know, but that's what all the servants and high born ladies would gush over. The pretty little jewels and beautiful sleek dresses.

"We know that, he does not." Movement to my right catches my eyes. The sliver of moonlight shining through the darkness gives me a glimpse of his handsome face. Dark brown highlights kiss the dark blonde on top of his head. A chiseled jaw graces striking face. Sky blue eyes hid secrets and loyalty.


"Right on the dot, my Princess Claudia."

Opening my mouth I try to rebut his words. The Prince may be my mate, but that doesn't make me worthy of being the Princess of wolves.

"Don't deny it anymore. You are Caden's soul mate. The past is the past. If you two do not get your act in order you will only cause each other harm," he declared. He didn't sound angry at me, which confused me. Shouldn't he be? I hurt his best friend.

"He nearly killed my two best friends. How do you expect me to forgive him for that? On top of that he slept with how many females?" The questions popped out without my consent. Being brazen isn't my thing.

"Caden isn't perfect. He screwed up big time growing up. Yes, Nik and I tried to knock sense into his head. None of it sticking," sighing he sits down in the chair next to the bed.

"Obviously it didn't work." I snarled. What is happening to me? I don't speak to high ranking wolves with attitude. Taking my eyes away from him I stare up at the ceiling. Nothing special. Dark black with intercut light blue swirls.

"The night of his fourteenth birthday ball was the first time he broke down."

Why is he telling me this? Does he think it will soften me up? Sleeping with random women isn't the way to cope.

"I'm not speaking about throwing a tantrum and whining. No, he shifted inside the castle and bolted out into the forest. At the time we were best friend. His parents asked me to follow him, along with several guards."

Laying silently, I wait for him to continue. I may not want to feel guilty for leaving him, but I wasn't heartless. Plus, I may find out secret details even Nik doesn't know about the Prince.

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