Chapter 25: If She Survives

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   A few days after I joined the pack Henry was hurt during a hunt. I was told that as he leaped for the deer's back it bucked up and sent him flying into a tree. There was a long gash across his side from where its sharp hooves had connected with his body. I only remembered this when Maya sat down with me and we talked about it; the actual event was a blur.

   Now, for the first time in my life, the emergency was not a blur. I had to keep a cool head for the sake of the pack; I was their alpha. If I didn't stay calm and pay attention, who would?

   Will was already on his feet, giving orders to the pack. Matthew and Sheila were in charge of calling the nearest doctor, Augustine and Leah were to search the house for anything of medicinal use and the rest of us were to stay in the basement, watching over Penny.

   I glanced over at Tommy, who was gripping Penny's small hand so tightly in his that I wondered if he would pull it out of its socket. Will caught my eye, nodding in Tommy's direction.

   Slowly, I approached our beta, making sure that I didn't startle him. It was almost like stalking a deer, but I didn't know what his reaction would be. I gently put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up at me, eyes tear-glazed.

   "Will will take care of her," I assured him, "We should go take your mind off of this. She'll be fine, it's no use worrying." As the words came out of my mouth, I knew I was lying. Even if she were to recover it would take many months.

   Tommy just nodded wearily and got up, following me up the stairs. He looked back once at her body, a single tear leaking out of his eye. Brushing it away, he followed me out into the backyard and over the fence.

   I reached for my wolf part, breathing a sigh of relief when I found it was still there. I realized that I hadn't even thought about what had happened that night when I changed back. Was it the fire that had caused the change back? Or the fact that I had been close to death that triggered it?

   Whatever it was, it had made me human again. The question was: would I be able to change back if I became a wolf now?

   Somehow, I knew I would risk it, even if it was irreversible. The wolf was too much a part of me to give up so easily. The wolf was my whole life now.

   So, I reached out for it and let the wolf part take over, both physically and mentally.

   The wolf wanted to run, so I let it. With Tommy on my heels, I plunged through the charred bushes and over the crispy remains of burnt leaves. The wind brushed through my fur, pushing my ears back as I picked up speed and lost myself in the joy of running.

   I slowed only when a huge rock came into view, waking my mind with its familiarity. I came to a halt before it, pushing my nose to its smooth, cold surface.

   Tommy joined me, shoulders dropping and tail down. He sat down not too far away from the rock, eyes on the ground. His paws were on the edge of a pile of churned up dirt.

   Without thinking about it I changed back, surprised at how easy it was. The palms of my hands were on the rock, my nose still pressed to it. I breathed in its earthy scent before climbing it and perching on the top.

   Tommy followed my lead, meeting me at the top of the boulder. We sat there, looking at the surrounding forest. The place where the battle had started was near here, and, if I looked closely, I thought I could make out bodies in the black brush. I glanced at Tommy, whose gaze was fixed on the churned up dirt below the rock.

   Moving closer so that our shoulders were touching, I whispered, "Maya was a great alpha."

   Tommy turned to me, astonished. I nodded slowly, still looking at her grave, "She would have known what to do."

   He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before saying, "Maya and Jared - they were soul mates, right?"


   "What happened to them?"

   "I don't know. Jared was most likely murdered. I found Maya badly hurt and spent her last moments with her. That was when she named me alpha."

   "Do you know how she felt without Jared?"

   I tried to remember if she had mentioned it, but could only think of how I would feel if I lost Will. Would I feel broken? Hollow inside like I did when my human part was slipping away and I was trapped in wolf form? Or empty, like when Luke kissed me?

   "I can only guess, Tommy. She never told me," I replied.

   "What will I do if she dies?" His voice cracked on the last two words.

   He was asking me questions I didn't have answers to, but I had to tell him something to reassure him.

   "You go on with your life and try to live it to the fullest," I answered, knowing that my words were much easier said than done.

   "And if she survives?" Tommy's eyes were on the grave, hope glowing in them.

   I smiled, glad to answer a question that I had an answer to, "If she survives, we rebuild the pack and continue on with our lives."

   I could imagine it already: chasing deer through the renewed forest, hot summer nights spent around campfires and long, cold, winters by the Christmas tree. The scents of freshly baked cakes and hot chocolate invaded my senses, the sounds of laughter and ripping paper as presents were opened. We would be a family again.

   Tommy seemed to be satisfied with this answer and hopped down from the rock, standing back to give me room to do the same.

   We walked back to the house steadily - slow enough to not be rushing and fast enough to not have to take in all of the damage around us.

   I kept an eye on the beta as we walked, noticing that his pace was increasing the closer we got to the brick house. By the time we reached the edge of the forest he was ready to break into a run.

   Placing a hand on his shoulder I steered him through the gate in the fence. He broke away from me as soon as we were in the backyard, sprinting for the door. I waited outside, not sure I wanted to know.

   Just as I was about to head for the door, Will opened it. His tired smile said it all as I threw my arms around him, thinking: She's going to survive. Everything's going to be alright.

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