Chapter 2

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Cherry soda

Chapter 2

Someone was in his kitchen.

They rattled away opening draws and closing them. Noah couldn’t see them, but he sure could hear them. What was going on? And what were they doing in his kitchen?

Noah gently shut the door behind him carefully, not to make any noise. The kitchen light illuminated his way as he slowly crept his way towards the kitchen. And then it hit him. If someone was in his kitchen without his knowledge then they would have a weapon. If late nights of horror movies didn’t teach him anything it was that, criminals and intruders always had weapons. And they always ended up killing the poor defenceless family.

Noah grabbed the closest thing to him, and held it against his chest as protection. Unfortunately the only thing close to him was an extremely thick cushion.

In the one year Noah had lived in this apartment he had regularly banged his toe against the couch, and it seemed that even when he was in danger of getting killed he still couldn’t manage to avoid hitting his toe on the bottom of the couch. Noah couldn’t help, but cringe when the boxes clattered to the ground.

The noise in the kitchen stopped.

Footsteps coming towards him broke through the eerily silence. But there was another sound, a clicking noise that sounded like … a pair of…. high heels?

The intruder turned on the lights, but instead of being met with the blunt end of a gun, he found Lacey clutching a table knife.



“Lacey? What are you doing here?” Noah asked as he followed her into the kitchen.

“Noah I’m your girlfriend I’m allowed to unexpectedly pop into your apartment. Can you pass me that fruit juicer on the counter?”

“None of that explains why they’re a dozen boxes in my apartment and why there’s a fruit juicer that I really don’t remember buying, on my table!”


Noah couldn’t believe that he had run out like that. He could still remember the way Lacey had called his name as he ran out of the apartment when she told him that she had to move in because her landlord kicked her out of the apartment. Noah just could not stand it anymore, he felt suffocated like he was drowning and there was nothing he could do to stop it. And so he ran. He ran out of the apartment, leaving a shocked Lacey and not even smart enough to remember to bring a jacket in his haste. He sure was regretting that decision when he shivered and rubbed his arms over his gooses bump laden arms.

These were the antics of a doomed couple.

What was he going to do? He couldn’t exactly kick her out tell her that she couldn’t stay there. What kind of person would that make him? A horrible person, that’s what kind.

Noah knew that he didn’t really have a choice, he had to let Lacey stay, but he decided to delay the inevitable and wander the empty silent streets of the sleeping city.

Noah didn’t know how he found himself standing outside an apartment block. His best friend, Luke’s to be specific. But somehow he had managed to make it down in a daze to the modern apartment block.

To be honest it had been a while since Noah had been to Luke’s apartment, and that was partially because recently Noah had been neglecting their friendship, he realized. He hadn’t heard from Luke for weeks, just a few weeks after he started going out with Lacey. Whenever Luke called or texted he would have to cancel, the amount of calls and texts started to decrease until they just never came.

Guilt consumed him. When did he start to become such a douche? His thumb hovered above Luke’s buzzer, but he decided against it when he realized that it was too late to stop by and apologize for being such an ass.

Noah sighed; this walk was good for him. Although he was still in a dilemma with Lacey he would fix things with Luke, because if it wasn’t for Luke, Noah would have never gotten past losing Rose.


Author’s note

Is this proofread? That would be a negitor. But it’s an update can you believe it?


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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2014 ⏰

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