WHAT EVERYBODY AND NO ONE KNOWS - Poem by Strider Marcus Jones

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when you is broken 

like a once loved doll, 

and those spurs, that still hurt, have spoken 

you blind with methanol- 

the mental heather 

that holds it all together, 

finds you on its well worn path 

and in the aftermath, 

walking alone 

it takes you home- 

through the Spanish orange groves 

where old men sit with expired widows 

thinking silently i suppose 

what everybody and no one knows. 

then musical scripts 

of hidden songbirds play and mix 

with secret symbols of illuminati 

in the terracotta garden 

for my ghost at its own party 

of father's day stardom, 

while my prince and princess 

smile at me, with their mother's Maltese eyes- 

in their more, i am less 

but keep my loss disguised. 

this is their day to me- 

their prose 

in how it goes- 

like lambas bread 

in what is said 

as we journey. 

Copyright Strider Marcus Jones 2012. From his book Pomegranate Flesh. All Rights Reserved.

"with secret symbols of illuminati" - this is me being mischievous and refers to my inlaws and their troop of hangers on...all in on the sinister adulterous plot as I found out later. 

40 Poems From POMEGRANATE FLESH by Strider Marcus JonesWhere stories live. Discover now