6: Finding A Connection

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Chapter Six

In the beginning, the Earth was chaotic. She grumbled and burned, her internal fire made real. As she burned, creatures were born and roamed the surface like a plague, wreaking havoc, misery, and despair across the land.

This was before the Gods came along, the Eternal Beings. Once created, they calmed the Earth, making her tranquil instead of chaotic. All the creatures that ruled the surface were put away by the Gods, never to be seen or heard from again. At least, that was the plan but like so many things, the future was unforeseeable. Over time, the Earth was taken over by various beings, some good, some bad, some only coming into existence before dying out seconds later.

It wasn't until the time of Man that the Gods once again feared the Earth would go back to her chaotic state. Some Man plundered, treated her no better than the monsters and demons of the beginning but like with so many, there were good as well. But like times before, the Gods made a choice, believing sacrificing the good with the bad was in the best interest of the whole. The Gods started off by releasing one creature from the dark abyss, hoping this would keep Man in order. With one came two, then three until there were too many that they became out of control. These creatures, monsters, should never have been trusted. They spread their evil and fear across the Earth causing a great many tragedies to occur.

The Gods used floods, fires, even separating landmasses to put the creatures back where they came from but nothing worked. Soon it became clear that they would have to create their own force to battle the evil they'd willingly and knowingly released onto the Earth.

And so the Elite were brought into existence. Various good and loyal families were infused with God like abilities. They were stronger, faster, smarter than the general population of Man. And with great courage and sacrifice, the Elite drove the evil the Gods released back into the dark abyss where they were banished the first time. However, once you open the box, there is never a sure way to close it.

That was at the start of the book Janus gave me. It was all illustrated with elaborate charcoal drawings and sketches. The purpose of this was unknown to me once I laid eyes on a very graphic depiction of a rather grotesque beast eating a human being. That was something I could live without seeing, ever.

I closed the cover, not wanting to read anymore and dropped it on the bedside table. After Janus told me to start studying up, I retreated back to my room, not wanting to be in that library/study/room thing anymore with him. I still didn't believe what he said about my mother but he allowed me to take the photo album with me. As I thought it all over in my head, I started up at the domed ceiling. The possibility that my mother might've done the same thing once upon a time, made me get up and consider the room. The fact that she was Elite, an Assarion, still bugged me on some level. I wasn't in complete denial about it; I had evidence in front of me along with several people whose word I trusted completely telling me it was true. So I couldn't pretend it wasn't true.

But I could try to forget about it as much as possible.

So for the next couple of hours, I spent my time moving my room around, trying to make the space mine instead of the place my mother used to occupy. By the time I was done, I was missing my room at the Agora, even the princessy touches I hadn't liked before. Not to mention the picture that was my welcoming gift. I missed that picture like I never thought I would. But it was a connection and I desperately needed one at that point.

The one thing I wasn't able to move was the bust which had appeared in the corner while I was talking to Janus. His creepy face graced the top just like Kells said it would. My name, birthday, and particular were carved underneath. For some strange reason, Kells' Greek name was carved a little ways down too.

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