What the hell?!

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Katie's point of view:

Mr. Yoshioka was bullying Abby again.

God why is he such an ass to her. Hell, why are a lot of people such asses to her? She's really nice and funny once you get to know her. Not to mention once you get past her tough appearance, and look deeper she really is pretty. I thought briefly to myself.

"What the fuck is your problem?" I heard her ask him in a scary tone. My head snapped up to look at her. Did she just say what I think she did?!  Mr. Yoshioka said something back that I didn't catch. But I heard Abby's next words loud and clear.

"I said. What. The. Fuck. Is. Your. Problem?!" Oh my god she did not just say that! I sent her my strong "Bitch what the fuck are you doing" look or vibes or whatever the hell you want to call them. I thought she was done after that but I was dead wrong. Today really is going to be a bad day. I don't know why I hoped it wouldn't. It never fails....

"Every day I come into this little piece of hell and you’re just the hugest ass to all of us! I mean seriously dude what the fuck?! If you hate being a teacher so god damn much go back to fucking school and be something different! But until you fucking decide you have enough balls to do that stop taking it out on us you god damn ass-fuck!" She practically screamed. Her face was as red as my dad's Chevy truck. Her brows were furrowed together and her hands were in fists placed on her wide hips.

Oh she's beyond pissed, I don't think I've ever seen her so mad. Her face was the scariest part. For some reason, whenever she got truly pissed, (which happens kinda often....) she would have this look on her face that made you wanna run home screaming. Run all the way up to your room, lock the door and never come out again. She never ever used this face directly on me but from observing it being used on other people I could tell it was scary and really intimidating.

In fact Mr. Yoshioka had a look on his face, for a brief moment, like he was going to piss himself. It was then quickly replaced with a look of absolute outrage. So quickly I don't think she caught it. Usually once Abby see's the fear she stops. Mainly because she's sure the person got the point. This is not good... He reached his hand back and slapped her clear across the face. Aw no he did not. This guy must have a fucking death wish.

Abby's face right then was the scariest sight I ever saw. And I swear her eyes burned crimson. Abby then drew her hand back no doubt to hit him back. But. That's when Mr. Yoshioka erupted into flames.

That's right.

He was on fire.

I turned around and grabbed the fire extinguisher off the wall behind me. I unclasped it, ran up beside Abby, and sprayed the hell out of him with it. It was then I remembered you weren't supposed to use it on a person. Oh well. I put the extinguisher down and then wrapped my arms around Abby, who was apparently in shock. I led her away from him and by my desk. I heard a few *thud*'s. I looked up to see a couple of girls had fainted. I rolled my eyes. Wimps.

"Abby honey, you gotta move and get your little butt outta here pronto," I said kindly even though I, myself was freaking out. What the hell?! What the hell just happened? I was moving Abby slowly out of the classroom. We managed to just get out of the room when we ran smack into the vice principal Ms. Delia. I guess someone called her.... She gets around fast for an old lady....

"Oh I'm sorry dearys," she said. She took one look at Abby and asked me,

"She was in front of him when it happened right?" I gave a tight nod fearing she was gonna somehow pin all the blame on her. I looked over to see a certain look in Abby's eyes. It was the look she gave someone when she was trying to weasel out of trouble. It didn't always work, but she always used it.

HELL sweet HELL (Edited. Plz re-read)Where stories live. Discover now