13. The Love Leprechaun?

Start from the beginning

C'mon brain, think!

When i reached the bottom Louis was chatting to Liam about something and Zayn was checking his reflection in his phone.

"HEY DERE LADS!" I jumped off the last stair enthusiastically and looked straight at Louis

"Why are you so happy Nialler?" Louis watched me with an amused look on his face.

"OOHH NOO REASON..." I said trying to sound subtle

Louis chuckled and opened his mouth to speak but i cut him off

"Heey! Lou, look at the time!" I pretended to check the time on my phone "You should go pick Harry up! i don't trust our driver to bring him home"

Lou looked at me raising an eyebrow and looking from me to the other two boys

"Err.. I thought we were all gonna go pick him up?"

Dammit this isn't working out too well

Liam shot me a 'Get on with it' glare and i thought for a few seconds before answering

"We would.... but... Someone needs to be here.. to...set up his welcome home party!"

Liam facepalmed and Zayns head shot up  with a look of shock on his face, Louis scratched his head and laughed weakly.

"I didn't know we were planning a welcome home party" he said sounding rather suspicious. Go Niall! Throw him off track!

"Well that's the point of a surprise isn't it? i surpirsed all of you and now we get to surprise Harry together! sound good?"

"Actually n-" Zayn was about to protest but i cut him off

"Really? GREAT! SO IT'S SETTLED! Louis you go pick Harry up and don't let it slip that we're planning this. OKay! Great! Bye Lou!" I practically shoved him out the door, ignoring his confused, stuttered sentances. I turned to face Liam and Zayn who were watching me with narrowed eyes.

"Soooo? what do ya' think? quick thinker or what aye?" I smiled proudly to the other boys who just groaned in frustration

"Niall, you DO reasize of course that NOW we have to plan a surprise party right?" Liam crossed his arms and raised an eyebrow.

Ooops, i didn't think of that. I was hoping Louis would forget about the party or something... i guess that was kind of stupid..

Liam rubbed his hands down his face and muttered something under his breath then Zayn spoke up.

"How exactly are we going to plan a party in the time it takes Louis to pick Harry up and bring him home?. Which is about half an hour"

I put on my thinking face and i heard Liam chuckle but i ignored him. I clapped my hands together and walked closer to the boys.

"Well we had better get started!"


Harry's POV

I looked over to the clock. The boys should be here any minute.

I glanced to he door, holding the handle to my suitcase and tapping my feet when a nurse made her way into my room.

"Are you all ready Harry?" she half smiled, looking like she was eager to get out of my room and go home. Im glad she called me Harry though. It took me ages to stop them calling me 'Mr Styles'.

"Yuup" I smiled showing how overjoyed i was

She nodded and gestured to the counter inthe middle of the ward "Good because Mr Tomlinson is here to pick you up now"

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