Blessings Of A Curse - 2012 USA Edition - chunk 01

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This book was intentionally written without chapter breaks.  I am posting it here in fairly small chunks which will be posted every few days.  They are not chapters; their length has been arbitrarily decided by the allowed file size of one of the sites to which it will be posted for free for a limited time.

If you want to read the entire book immediately, you can get the whole thing for free in various eBook formats at my website;

Blessings of a Curse

Book One


The Nexus Of Kellaran


Wayne Edward Clarke

2012 Revision

With American Imperial measurement units.



Wayne Edward Clarke

All Rights Reserved

This is a work of fiction.  Any resemblance between the characters and any real persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

Books By Wayne Edward Clarke:

The Rational Future Series:

People Of The Tiger

Hunters In The Sky

The Nexus Of Kellaran Series:

Blessings Of A Curse

The Fire And The Storm

These novels are available in every ebook format at my website:

And at leading ebook retailers (The Fire And The Storm in early 2012)

And on popular ebook apps for Apple and Android devices.

Coming this spring to my website!

*A new rotatable 3D map of the globe of Kellaran with much more detail and showing every place that is mentioned in the series.

*A complete list of major characters with descriptions.

*A timeline of major Kellarani historical events.

*And an appendix of encyclopedic facts and figures about Kellaran.

Italics are used in this book to indicate emphasis, and also to indicate telepathic communication.

Wayne Edward Clarke, January 20, 2012.

Blessings Of A Curse

(If you are reading this account in a language other than Grand High Draconian, you might consider making a contribution to the Translation section of your local Magic Users Guild. XVD)

Yazadril watched the huge human walk blithely through the border Wards of The Nine Valleys like they weren’t even there, and his breath hissed in between his teeth.  The ancient mountain elf was stunned with surprise for the first time in decades, and he nervously tugged his long white beard in consternation.  Nothing could pass the Wards unless a Warder had admitted it, nothing!  And since he was one of the Warders, he knew with certainty that no such admission had occurred!  He felt a moment of fear, an emotion he had not experienced for centuries, and quickly cast Unseen upon himself with a quietly hummed note and a practiced gesture.

Then his intellect re-asserted itself.  He reasoned that since the human had been completely unaffected by the Illusions, Force Barriers, and other magic defenses of the border Wards, he may also be unaffected by the Unseen spell.  That thought gave him another fright, and he carefully moved behind a tree, then peered around it at the human.

Blessings Of A Curse - 2012 USA EditionWhere stories live. Discover now