11 - The Fight And The Fall (edited)

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"This mist . . . Sasuke, Sakura, Tsuki, he's coming!" Kakashi stated and the three Genin got into position around Tazuna.

. . . 

"Ne, Kakashi-sensei, this is his Kirigakure no Jutsu isn't it?" Sakura asked.

"I've kept you waiting Kakashi, you have the kids in tow as usual. They're still trembling the poor things," Zabuza taunted.

Tsuki looked to Sasuke who was shaking and grinned, Zabuza had another thing coming. They were surrounded by water clones in the blink of an eye and Sasuke smirked. The clone in front of him looked confused.

"It's the tremble of a psyched-up warrior," Sasuke explained.

"Do it, Sasuke, and Tsuki, move the workers."

Sasuke sliced up the clone in front of him and Tsuki first and she took off towards the injured men as he took care of the other clones. A fist came out of nowhere and she yelled out in pain as it connected with the side of her head, knocking her to the ground a few feet away.

'I really hate this fog, I can't sense him,' she complained.

"Oh, he's seen that they are water clones. The kid's come a long way," Zabuza stated as he and the boy disguised as an Oinin Butai stepped up into view . . . well, sort of. "This means a rival has appeared, Haku."

Tsuki's eyes widened, 'Haku? As in the boy that had speaking with Naruto?'

"Seems that way," Haku replied. 

Tsuki slipped past them and continued on to the injured, moving them to a safer place while listening to the fighting going on behind. From what she could tell, Sasuke and Haku were fighting, and Zabuza was keeping Kakashi busy. Once she moved the last man out of the way, she hurried back towards the others. Tsuki got there in time to see Sasuke avoid ice needles and kick Haku in the face, sending him flying to Zabuza's feet.

"Seems like you're no match for my speed, eh?" Sasuke taunted.

"You made a big mistake calling my shinobi team brats," Kakashi stated, "Sasuke is the number one rookie of the Hidden Leaf Village, and Sakura here is one of our brightest students, and our number one show-off motor-mouth shinobi Naruto . . . not forgetting Tsuki, even we don't know how strong she is."

Zabuza started to chuckle and Sasuke narrowed his eyes at the pair of them, Haku still on the ground.

"Haku, if we carry on like this, we'll end up dead," Zabuza stated.

"Eh," Haku got to his feet, blue chakra glowing around his body.

"What's he doing?" Sasuke asked.

"Dunno," Tsuki said, edging closer to him.

"It's a shame it's come to this."

"What's this? The air's freezing."

The water turned to ice, rising from the ground and forming what looked like mirrors around Sasuke and Tsuki and she felt his hands smash into her chest, knocking her backwards. Tsuki hit the ground as he was concealed in a dome-like structure.

"Sasuke!" she exclaimed.

"Makyō Hyōshō,"(SECRET JUTSU CRYSTAL ICE MIRRORS) Haku said and the mirrors glowed white as he merged with them.

"Kakashi, what do we do?" Tsuki asked quietly, but he had no reply.

Sasuke screamed as Senbon flew through the air scratching his skin and clothing. Tsuki bit her thumb and smeared it behind her ear, rushing in without taking time to reconsider.

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