10. It was him

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Weeks have gone and nothing happened, neither with Chase or with my life. Chase and I still don't talk, we don't even look at each other anymore. I miss him, I miss how he looked at me, I miss how he smirked at me. He's only my teacher and it's not like we're dating but I have feelings for him, weird right? But at the same time I don't because he's so full of himself and bitchy as hell.
No in fact I don't think I have feelings for him, who even is he? I still don't know him that well, I still don't know if it was him at the masquerade; I barely know anything about him, he's mysterious and it scares me a bit.

I look at myself for the last time in the mirror before I decide to head off to school. I decided to have something simple on as a tight white tank top, a black oversized cardigan and my black skinny jeans along my brown boots.

I'm really tired today, I put some coffee in my takeaway cup so I can wake up a bit on the way. I never drink coffee without a straw only when I have my coffee in a takeaway cup like this. I only drink coffee with a straw so my teeth can't get yellow from it.

I open my locker to take my math book and a pencil out. I look at myself in the small mirror I have inside of my locker, it's a bit dirty but I can still see myself so it doesn't matter. I slam my locker as it locks itself and I make my way to my math lesson.

I'm 15 minutes late and no one is opening the door, that means that I have to stay here until the math lesson is over and I will probably get detention too. I decide to sit on the floor and work on my own, outside the classroom; I don't really care that the floor is a bit dirty, I really have to do some math to catch up with the class. I open my book and I just look at it; without lifting a finger, i'm just too tired to do math right now.

I decided to play with my phone instead, I was playing "flappy bird", what a nerd. I'm addicted to that game, I don't know why because all I get out from the game is anger. I get really irritated and angry when the bird dies all the time. I was just playing when I saw someone from the inner corner of my eye looking at me. I turned my head into his direction and all I saw was Chase..
I really wanna talk to him. Apologise for trying to kiss him or something that can break this cold ice between us. But at the same time I can't really apologise for almost trying to kiss him because he also tried to kiss me, we both wanted to kiss each other. He just looked at me and gave me a little cute smile. I smiled back but I just couldn't smile at him and act as if everything is alright. So as dumb as I am, I decided to talk to him. I walked up to him and gave him a little smile. "Hey" he said with a small smile almost a sad one. "Hi" I said back as I looked into his eyes. "So..? Do you want help with something?" He said as he tried to break the awkward situation. "Chase, I need to talk to you" I said with a serious tone because i'm afraid, what if I say something wrong?
"Yes we really need to talk" He said as he looked deeply into my eyes, almost like he was hypnotising me. "Chase, sorry for trying to kiss you it was a dumb move; i'm sorry" I said as I looked down on my feet, not wanting to look him in the eyes. "Luci, it's okay; I tried to kiss you too, if you remember that?" He said with a cute little laugh. No, no it's not okay, what doesn't he understand; HE'S A TEACHER AND I'M HIS STUDENT, IT'S FUCKING ILLEGAL. "No, Chase it's not okay! YOU'RE MY TEACHER" I said as I almost screamed at him. He took a step closer to me as he put both of his hands on the side of both of my arms. "Luci, calm down" He said with a low voice, almost as he was whispering it to me. No I can't calm down, how am I supposed to calm down? Is that even possible right now? "NO, CHASE I CAN'T CALM DOWN, I ALMOST MADE A MISTAKE; A VERY BIG ONE" I screamed at him as I stepped away from him so I now was close to the wall. He stepped closer to me, pushing me against the wall; our bodies are only some inches away from each others. "Luci, I said calm down" He said in a determined way. I looked him in the eyes for a long time before I decided to push him away. "NO, AND NEVER COME CLOSE TO ME AGAIN" I said angrily as I almost ran to the bathroom before he pulled me back with his hand. "Let me go now!" I almost whispered to him. "No, not before we clean this hate relationship between us" He said as he still held me by my arm. "Fine" I said as I looked at him angrily. "Let's talk after the english lesson" He said almost sounding happy. "Mm sure" I said as if I didn't care.

I went to my locker to take my english book out. English lesson starts in 30 minutes and i'm not excited at all. I just stand here looking at myself in the mirror, just thinking about what we will talk about. What if it gets even worse between us or more awkward? I might not handle that, I mean the situation already sucks it can't get worse; I won't allow it. I take a deep breath as I close my locker and make my way to the classroom. No one's here so I decide to not do anything and just stare out from the window. The sky is beautiful, soft and blue and it makes me calm when I look at it.

"Hey, the lesson starts in 15 minutes, what are you doing here so early?" I hear Chase snap me out from looking at the sky. "I didn't know what to do so I decided to sit here and just wait until it starts" I answer back with a weak smile. I turn around and look out from the window again as Chase make his way to his desk. "Luci" I hear him say almost as he wants to break the silence between us. "We really need to talk about yea you know" He says as he bits his lower lip. "Chase, there's nothing to talk about okay it's fine we didn't do it. I almost made a big mistake but we still didn't kiss each other. Just forget it." I answer him back with a calm voice as I look at him.
He opens his mouth to speak but quickly closes it and instead walks up to me. "But.." He says as he looks at my lips, "I don't want to forget it" He says as he takes a piece of my hair and put it behind my ear. I look at him a bit chocked, not knowing what to do; Should I slap him and run away, or just stand here and see what this leads to. "Chase.." I say as I grab his hand from my hair. "You're my teacher, I just can't" I say with a sad smile. I really like him but he's my fricking teacher, I can't let him kiss me; and I can't kiss him. He looks at me, not saying anything just looking me in the eyes; like he's trying to find out if I really don't want to kiss him.
"It's okay Luci. And by the way your pink lipstick fits perfectly on my neck" He says with a smirk as he makes his way to his desk again. "WAIT CHASE WHAT?" I almost yell at him. I walk up to him fast as hell with a chocked expression on my face. "It was you, wasn't it? All this time I was wondering who it was and it was you" I start to say with a pissed off tone as I feel my life flash before my eyes. He parts his lips to speak but I know enough so I make my way to my seat as I look out from the window again.

How could he do this to me. I was walking around, wondering who it was all the time and as expected it was Chase. Couldn't he just tell me that earlier and why did he even want to make out with me? I'm his student and he's my teacher he doesn't even like me. If he likes me or if he even respects me he would've told me this earlier and not now, not when I almost found out the truth by myself.

"Luci i.." He start to speak but shuts up quickly because students are showing up. I'm still chocked that it was him at the masquerade. Chase who danced with me, saved me from Nathan and the one I made out with. What if I went further that night and had sex with him.. No no no no I need to push that thought out from my mind.


Sorry for posting this chapter so late. I just have a lot going on in school. Anyway, what did you think about this chapter? Comment please, I really need to know what you all think about it.


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