Chapter Six* - Until Another Moon

Start from the beginning

“What do you want me to listen to, huh? I don’t want to listen to anything you have to say. Do you know what would have happened if I just listened to you last night? Do you even realize what you did? You molested me! I was, ugh! I felt awful. I still do.” I snapped at him, continuously in just one breath. I took this opportunity to catch my breath. I wasn't upset, though. I was just really, really angry. “Now, I look like a freak with neon green eyes.”

“They’re not exactly neon green…”

“And a scar that looks like a moon.”

“…a beautiful moon…”

“Can you shut up?” I asked him, exasperated. “When will this all go away?”

Ian frowned. “What do you mean? You want it to go away?” I rolled my eyes at his idiotic question.

“Of course I do! I can't go around with eyes brighter than a billboard in Times Square! People will stare at me. It’s not natural! I could hide the scar, but how am I supposed to hide these? Even if I do manage to fool people, how am I supposed to convince my mom this happened in the 48 hours she was gone?” I asked him, taking a deep breath. “I just want to know how long all this will last.” I finally stated my desire and purpose.

Ian visibly frowned, which tensed me. “Do you want the whole story or just the key details?” He finally asked after a long moment.

I somewhat relaxed, knowing that he was going to tell me. “I want the whole story.” I answered. “Now, please.”

Ian sighed. “Well then, I’m not a really good storyteller, but I’ll just explain to you what happened. I am a werewolf.” I opened my mouth to comment on the falsehood of that statement, but Ian shot me a glare before continuing his story. “And, you’re my mate.”

“Mate?” I couldn't stop myself from asking him. I’d read about something like this in some cheesy romance, but I didn't think they were real. If they were, people would have figured it out.

“Yes, mate.” Ian quickly said. “All werewolves have them and you’re mine.” He said, causing me to freeze a little bit. When he said that, my mind immediately flashed back to last night when he kept repeating it. It was like he was torturing me.

“I’m NOT yours!” I yelled at him, an anger coming out and absorbing me.

“Calm down, Eira. This is what I wanted to talk to you about. You’re not yourself anymore.” Ian said, sensing that I was upset. “Because I bit you, you have a werewolf inside of you. She’s going to dominate you and until you shift.” I took a deep breath. I couldn't get angry at him right now. He was telling me something important and I had to listen.

It was really important.

“When will it go away?” I asked, sounding completely innocent, like a young child asking a parent an innocent little question, referring to maybe a sickness.

Ian looked at me, surprised, maybe at my sudden mood swing. Then, he frowned. “Well, right now, you and your wolf are connected. It took a full moon to bring you together so it will take another full moon to separate her from you.”

Another full moon…

“I’m going to be like this for a month?!?” I exclaimed, unbelieving. I may be able to pull this off for a couple days but how was I supposed to survive a whole month without Mom or Mallory figuring out that something was wrong? “Shit.”

“It won't be that bad, Eira. You have to control your wolf. You’ll need to learn how. It’s a part of you, now. Your eyes belong to it. It sees the world from your eyes and once you shift for your first time during the next full moon, everything will be okay. I’ll be with you.” I glared at him.

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