Training Amadeus oOGood-ByeOo

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Willow stared then blinked at the two people that just entered the pet-store. At the entrance stood Jae with an incredibly handsome man next to her. But, that wasn't why Willow hasn't spoken a word yet. Yes, she's happy Jae's back and will help around a bit. There was just one strange thing about the two. Willow's eyes went to the collar around Amadeus' neck.

"Jae, I didn't know you were into that kind of thing."

"Shut up!"


The two friends were sitting in the back of the store. Jae was able to explain the whole situation with Hopper and Amadeus. Willow's eyes were wide and she grabbed onto Jae's hand after hearing the story.

"You have to get me one!" Jae rolled her eyes at her enthusiasm.

"No way, they're not-." She then stopped her sentence as she felt tugging on the leash. Jae looks to see Amadeus pulling on the collar. She lets out a sigh. "Fine, you can wonder around the shop. But, if costumers come in don't bother them." Jae then knelt in front of him and takes off the collar. Allowing Amadeus to move around. Willow looks at the exchange between the two and lets out a pout.

"Looks like he's easy to take care. Come on! Just give me the company's number, I so want one!" Jae narrowed her eyes at the girl.

"It took me weeks to get him like this. The only reason why I am letting him wander around is because I took his gun away." Willow this time rolled her eyes.

"Come on, when I just get one I'll give it to you to train!"

Jae this time glared at her with a full on frown. She massaged her temples and looked up to her with the same glare.

"They're all around three million. Amadeus is three million 'n five hundred thousand." Willow's mouth dropped to the floor.

"What the hell? ! And you paid for that? !" Jae let out a sigh.

"I wish I had that kind of money, but no."

From some other part of the store, Amadeus was walking around and looking at all the objects. He then walked past the dog section, and he started to hear the sound of growls and barks. He turns his head to see a bunch of puppies in a case. They were all sending glares towards him with ears down. Amadeus sneered and leaned down to let out a growl of his own at them. This only made the puppies bark even more, which caused Amadeus' stress to rise. He scoffed and decided to walk back to Jae. While he was getting close to the two he heard part of their discussion.

"That's why I can't keep him." Amadeus narrowed his eyes at Jae's words. He carefully got closer, making sure the two didn't know he was there.

Willow furrows her eyes at Jae.

"Why can't you?" She uncomfortably rubbed the side of her arm.

"Like I said, if I want to keep Amadeus I have to pay for him. I'm only keeping him now so I can train him."

Those words pierced a part of him. Amadeus leans against the wall and presses a fist to his chest. It hurts, all this time he thought Jae was going to be his owner. He shuts his eyes close and starts to grind his teeth. He hates it, he hates being a damn pet.

Willow looks her friend up and down.

"When is he going back to the company?" Jae takes the hair out of her eyes before speaking.

"Next week, he's fully trained."

Willow opens her mouth to speak, but she stops when she sees Amadeus standing in the corridor. Her eyes widens and she pulls on Jae's sleeve, she then points to the man. Jae furrows her eyes at her friend's actions and turns to see Amadeus sending her death glares. Jae smiles at his appearance and stands up from her seat to walk up to him.

"What? Did the dogs bother you or something?" She goes to pet his hair, but Amadeus slaps her hand away. Jae's eyes widen at his action, she frowns and folds her arms.

"Alright, what's wrong. You know I don't like attitude." This time Amadeus' fist start to clench. He turns with a sneer and starts to walk out of the room. Jae begins to panic at his sudden cold attitude. She quickly turns back and picks up her bag and his leash. Jae looks one last time at Willow.

"Sorry! I gotta go!"

"W-Wait-." But her words fell on Deaf ears. Jae runs out of the shop to catch up with Amadeus. Willow was left with her hand half raised, she lets out a small smile.

"Good luck, Jae."

Outside Jae was running to catch up to Amadeus. She looked through the crowd trying to find him, she then saw a tall head of glossy, black hair. She lets out a breath of relief and runs to the male. Once she was close enough, Jae pulls on his sleeve. He turns to her with a hard glare, but it didn't falter her, she returned it with her own.

"What's wrong with you? You know you can't walk around without your leash." She then looks through her bag and fishes out the collar and goes to her tipy-toes to put it on his neck. "Hurry and put this back on-."

He growls and grabs Jae's hand to stop her, her eyes widen at his grip. Amadeus then takes the collar and leash and throws it in a random direction. Jae frowns as he throws it away.

"Hey! Without that I can't take you out for walks!"

This irks him even more. Amadeus just ignores her now and continues to walk. Jae frowns but continues to walk behind him. He's never acted this way, sure he's given her attitude. But usually he would start hitting her by now. At least she knows he's not running away because he's walking back to her house.

Once the two reach home, Amadeus walks to the living room and plops onto the couch and takes a nap as usual. Now Jae was really bothered, he just doesn't act at all after that? Not even go looking for his gun. Jae nervously walks to him on the couch and lets out a small smile.

"Do you want me to make you something? You look pretty mad." He continues to close his eyes. Jae frowns and folds her arms at his silence.

"God, after I thought I trained you enough to get rid of that attitude."

That's when Amadeus' snaps. His eyes open and he grabs Jae by the hand. She lets out a yelp at the sudden grip and as she gets pulled onto Amadeus' lap. Jae's face flushes as she gets pressed into his chest and Amadeus rests his head onto hers. She begins to stutter.


"Shut up."

Her eyes widen. She then turned to face him, Amadeus kept his glare on and looked like his usual self. He didn't, did he just speak? !

"Y-You just spoke." His glare increases.

"Did you think I was a fuckin' retard that couldn't speak?" She raises her hands up trying to calm him down.

"N-No! It's just that, you would only say 'scum'." He growls and looks to the side.

"Fuckin' retard."

For some reason a speechless Amadeus sounds more pleasing now.

"You really going to fuckin' ditch me next week." Jae's eyes widen at his serious tone. So, that's why he was acting up. She lets out a sigh and nods her head. Amadeus lets out another growl.

"Why." She looks up to him with a somber expression.

"It's not that I don't want you. It's just that I was only here for training, and to show you could get tamed. If I could, I would keep you but you're price is too much." She then raises her hand to pet the top of his head, but Amadeus grabs it. He pulls Jae closer again and rests his head on her own.

"Just don't give me back then. I'll kill those bastards."

"Then I will get sued and that will just cause more-."

"Shut up."

She stops her babbling. There was silence between them as Amadeus continues to rest his head on hers. He opens his eyes a little while keeping his grip on her, moving his hands around her waist.

"Who are you training." She shifts a bit in his lap.

"Um, I think it was Severus, Prince, and Fido." Amadeus scoffs.

"Che, those idiots." She turns a bit towards him with eyes furrowed.

"You know them?" Amadeus nods a bit.

"Severus never knows what quiet means, Prince doesn't know when to shut the fuck up, and Fido is a fuckin' brat." Jae keeps silent and bits her tongue. That doesn't really give that much of an explanation of the three. Amadeus' grip tightens again around her.

"Don't let them touch you like this." Jae blushes a bit at his words. "And if they do, I'll shoot their fuckin' heads off."

Now the mood sort of falls. Jae smiles a bit and leans onto his back. Enjoying the small peace.


That night, after Jae got herself ready for bed and was in her pajamas. She walks into her room and turns the lights on, only to see Amadeus sleeping in her bed. Jae raises an eyebrow at the scene first, but then smiles. She turns the lights back off and walks over to the bed and sneaks in with him. She wasn't thinking about reality, on how Amadeus was really going to leave. Jae turns to him, Amadeus had his back to her and she could see his body falling up and down with his breath. A smile comes up again and she scouts a little closer towards him. Amadeus will always be the special one, more than just a pet.


Jae nervously paced back and forth in her living room. It was the day that Amadeus was heading back to the company. What if they don't think he's trained enough? Would they put him through torture again? Jae let out a groan and grabbed her hair in frustration, this was way to stressful for the morning!

Amadeus watches from the couch as Jae continues to panic. He lets out a scoff at her actions. Jae hears it and turns to him with a frown.

"Could you at least act a little nervous?"

"I'm not nervous, I'm just fuckin' pissed." Jae smiles a bit sadly, she then walks up to him and kneels down in front of him. Amadeus looks down with the same sneer. She sighs and takes his hand.

"I'm sure you're next owner will be great."

"Depends if they deserve my fuckin' respect." Jae rolls her eyes at him.

"Just don't cause too much trouble."

Amadeus' frown deepens. His gaze looks at Jae up and down, he then leans forward and grabs her chin. Jae's eyes widen as he brings his face closer to hers, she closes her eyes tight and waits for the kiss to come.

The chime of the doorbell then comes. Jae pulls back from him and starts to head towards the door.

"T-They're here!"

She opens the door to greet them, but her mouth stops at the people. There were at least ten men, all wearing black suits and glasses. For some reason Men In Black came into her head at the people.

"Miss Jae." A man then stepped forward. At first Jae furrows her eyes at the man, but soon they widen.

"Hopper?" Hopper was dressed up in the sam uniform like everyone else, expect his wild red hairstyle and colorful bandana stood out. He then takes off his sunglasses and greets her with a wink.

"Yo! Looks like you're still in one piece." She frowns a bit at him and folds her arms.

"How long will this take?" He shrugs and stuffs his glasses into his coat pocket.

"Not long, just gotta see a bit how he is."

Hopper then walks in and coaxes for the other men to follow. They all flood into her living room where Amadeus is. The 'pet' glares at all the men that come in, knowing what they're here for. Hopper walks in front of Amadeus and waves to him.

"How's it going, Amadeus?" He lets out a growl at him.


All of the men then start to whisper to each-other, amazed at his reaction. Jae looks at all of them with confusion. He just called Hopper 'scum', what's so amazing about that? But, then again. If this was the Amadeus she first pulled out of the box, he would have taken out his gun.

Hopper hums in amusement and than coaxes Jae over with his hand. She nervously walks over next to him. Hopper then leans forward to whisper in her ear.

"Ask him to do something."

She bits the bottom of her lip. Do something? She then looks at Amadeus who had his usual face on.

"Um, could you stand up Amadeus?" He looks at her for a few seconds, he then stands up with hands shoved in his pocket.

This causes everyone in the room now to whisper again. Maybe she's just too used to it, but isn't this how Amadeus usually acts? Hopper lets out a laugh and starts to clap.

"Great job, Jae! I knew you could do it!" He then pats her head with a bright smile. "Never lost faith in ya." He then turns to Amadeus and takes out a collar and leash from his pocket. "Come on, time to go."

Amadeus stares at the collar, Jae can see this reluctance in his eyes. She walks to Amadeus and pulls on his shirt. She gives him a look of pleading.

"Amadeus, go with them."

His glare softens a bit, but it soon returns and he growls. Amadeus snatches the collar and puts it on his neck. Hopper looks at the exchange between them, a small smirk comes onto his face. He snickers and takes the leash.

"As you all can see, the Amadeus breed can be tamed without violent needs!"He then turns one final time to Jae. "All thanks to this woman."

All the men clap in response. For some reason, it didn't make her feel any better. She looks up to Amadeus, but he was facing the other way. That pained her even more. Soon, all the men start to file out of her room. Jae follows close behind them, wanting to see Amadeus' until he is totally gone.

She stands outside, watching them all get into their cars. Amadeus still has the collar on and is being led by Hopper. Jae clenches her fist, she doesn't want him to go.

"Amadeus." It was a small whisper. But, Amadeus hears it. He turns to looks at her, Jae was standing at her house door, and a small tear comes down her face. He stops his walking, and sends her one smile before stepping inside the car.

The sound of the door closing was the most hurtful noise she's ever heard in her life.


So~, just realized I updated the wrong chapter for this story . . . . sorry if you guys got confused there . . . .

LOL, anyway.

Thanks to all of you who have been reviweing/liking this story and my other ones! It helps me keep on writting!

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