Pen Pals With The Movie Star.

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            Phoebe was like every other girl; she hated school, have normal working parents, a annoying little sibling, friends, and crushes on the popular boys in school. Phoebe loves life and likes to live it to the fullest.

            She doesn’t like to miss out on anything.

            Phoebe has a secret, though.

            She’s has bin secretly IM a guy she met on a chat room. She never really planned to actually talk to anyone, just to see what it was like to be on one. But when some IM her personally, she couldn’t stop herself.

            He didn’t start how most creeps would. He asked her what kind of music she liked after telling her age and being a female. He asked random things like her favorite color, her favorite movie, and what she likes to do. He always gave her his answer to his questions back. Nothing ever to personal like where she lives or even a picture of herself. 

            And he's only three years older then here—nineteen.

            Little does she know she’s actually IM the famous movie star name, Devin Blake.

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