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I look across a raging battlefield. This bright, sunny place with the perfect green grass that was what I once thought was the most peaceful place in existence. I slash at an approaching enemy and he goes down. I flinch as I bring the sword down for a killing blow. A churning feeling comes in my stomach. This is not the first time my blade has tasted blood (and it won't be the last) but it still gets to me. A life gone because of me. Just gives you the shivers.

A shreik from across the field gets my attention. I look to see one of the people I hold dearest to my heart fall, a large red mark forms on his chest. First, I feel indescribable sadness, then I get mad. A bright, hot fire forms in my heart. I slash and stab as I fight my way to him. I can't believe that a world that used to be so amazing and wonderful, would ever let this happen. That it could ever be like this. Then I think back and remember how it all began...

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2012 ⏰

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