Le Flying Taco Mafia

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A huge grin spread across my face. Stefan's features were still filled with shock, but he returned the grin. I was across the room in a second, giving him a big bear hug.

"God I missed you Stefan," I sighed.

"What are you doing here?" he laughed.

"Klaus let me go," I smiled.

"He did?" he asked.

"Yep, I'm back for good."

"I missed you Marni," he murmured.

I laughed and sniffled. I pulled back and glared at him.

"Oh my God, you made me cry Stefan," I accused with a smile, wiping the tears out of my eyes.

"Sorry," he grinned. "I can't believe you're back!"

"Me neither," I stated happily. "I missed this place so much."

I heard footsteps and Damon entered the room, freezing when he saw me. A range of emotions flickered across his eyes, but his face remained impassive.

"Didn't expect to see you for a while," he stated after a minute.

"Things changed," I replied.

"Clearly," he smirked, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Excuse me, I need a drink."

Without looking back, he left, slamming the door behind him. I sighed sadly. I was afraid this might happen.

"What was that about?" Stefan question.

"Damon's angry with me right now," I replied, my eyes still on the door.

Stefan rose his eyebrows, but didn't ask me about it, which I was grateful for.

"Well, come on," he began with a smile. "Let's go celebrate, everyone will be happy you're back."

I hesitated.

"Honestly, I just want to stay here tonight," I admitted. "I'll see everyone at school. Tomorrow is the first day back at school, right?"

"Yes," Stefan answered. "I just got back from senior prank night. Caroline managed to drag us all into it."

I smiled. "That's Caroline for you. Come on Stefan, excluding that time in Chicago, I haven't seen you in ages. I think ice cream and a good old gossip session is in need. I've missed so much."

"I suppose you're right," he grinned. "I've been curious as to what you've been doing with Klaus these past months."

I was curled up on Stefan's bed, eating ice cream while he filled me in on everything I'd missed.

"Lexi's gone," he announced. "She went to Europe."

"I'm going to miss her," I sighed sadly.

"Anna and Pearl left," he continued. "And Katherine is God knows where. Caroline and Matt broke up."


"Yeah, things were getting complicated," he shrugged. "Elena and Bonnie have a theory that Caroline and Tyler have a thing."

"My God, I really have missed a lot," I stated. "You know what Stefan? You could be the Gossip Girl of Mystic Falls."

He laughed.

"I think I'll leave that to Caroline. But what about you? What have you been up to?"

"God, where do I begin?" I laughed.

And so I began my epic tale of mine and Klaus' adventures. I left out a few parts, like how Stefan knew Klaus and Rebekah. I would let him figure that out on his own. I'm sure Rebekah would catch up to him soon.

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