Chapter 5: The Drug Lord

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In a dark abandoned warehouse lies the meeting place of infamous drug lord Costello Emery a.k.a "Mr. Big. Mr. Big was a dangerous and crafty man, although short and stereotypically portrayed as your usual mafia boss, Mr. Big wasn't just focused on money, he wanted corruption amongst youth and manipulated them with narcotics.

Michael has dealt with Mr. Big before back in the late 90s but he made his return back to Manhattan in the early 2000's after being released from prison.

"I don't see the problem with a little kick." Mr. Big spoke as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"Sorry to tell you boss but it's more than drugs, sex, and money are a big part of the equation.

"I'm not a pimp Lee, I'm a drug lord." Mr. Big corrected.

"I know but if you want to make bigger sales you might want to consider some girls and some greens." Lee replied.

"Whatever just go and spread the word and get the supply." Mr. Big concluded putting out his cigarette in the ashtray.

Prostitution would be another good income, but he had no time rounding girls and creating another ring of problems. He decided to stick to what he has good at, selling drugs and keeping the cash flow going.

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