Here it goes...

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     For the last few months the same girl had been casually wandering past my house, or abandoned mansion as the local school children call it, bopping her head to the beat of the song, gently humming it to herself as she made her way to her school.

     I was mesmerized ever since I first saw her, well, heard her.

     It was about eight o'clock in the morning of the very first day of school, or at least that's what I figured out as hoards of noisy, rowdy children would be stampeding by my house. However, after all of the animals had cleared away from the mansion possibly because I played a slight trick on them, opening the door a fraction, was all I did to send them screaming over the hills and away from the 'haunted house'. But when the noise level had returned to peaceful, I climbed back into my ice cold duvet and tried to make myself comfortable on the old, rock-hard mattress that I had, unfortunately, been using for the last several hundred years.

     That was when I heard her, she was singing. Her sweet, melodic voice echoed around the house, filling my head with the most beautiful sound I had ever heard. I remember I dashed to the window to get a look at the girl with the angel voice, but I was too late too see her face. When I had reached the window pane and I looked outside, all I could see was her long dirty blonde hair neatly wound up in a fish plat that fell all the way to her waist.

     A thick, pale blue sweater hung off her shoulders making it seem that it was winter outside, but her skinny jeans showed the opposite. She wore a pair of battered blue converse, with the laces untied and dragging behind her as she took each step. A brown satchel was hugging her side as the strap was holding on to the opposite shoulder. A wire floated loosely in the air as the extra length of the headphones wasn't useful to the angelic musician that was slowly walking away from me, though I could hardly class that as walking, it was more like floating or gliding.

     I ran downstairs, tugging on shoes as I made my way towards the rickety old door that was practically hanging off its hinges. I tried to open it as slowly as possible, hoping that she wouldn't speed up or run away from the scary house with the door the spookily swings open. My plan was to sneak outside, and catch up to her, getting full view of her face in all it's glory.

     However, as I guessed, my plan failed, they never worked anyway, but this time it failed, but benefited me greatly. This was the part that was imprinted in my mind, to core of my protectiveness and curiosity about the angel girl; she heard the door creak open and her head whipped around, checking that no one was there.

     And just as I guessed; she was perfect. At first sight my eyes were drew to hers. I thought her eyes were bright green, like grass in the summer, or an emerald in the light, but when I slowly worked my way closer to her, they became more blue. Not an ice blue like mine, more like a sapphire blue that's as deep as the ocean that holds mystery and adventure. They were captivating.

     And looking into her eyes automatically set a mission in my head. Find out about her; her name, her likes, dislikes, hobbies, just things that makes her who she is. And I figured that it'd be easy since I'm invisible right?

     Wrong. As soon as she walked into that school it was like she was a piece of meat and everyone else was a piranha, trying to get to close her. I know beautiful people herd together but I couldn't get anywhere near her without risking people walking into me and wondering what it was. So I had to watch from a distance. I know that sounds really stalkerish but it's really not. I promise.

     After a few days of trying to find out things about her from a distance and having no such luck, I had a plan which involved the ye old tales of me.

Jack Frost // Niall Horan AUWhere stories live. Discover now