Chapter 21

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Hello everybody! It's been a long time, but I dealing with school and it's getting on my nerves to be honest. Well here the next chapter.

*Chapter Twenty-One*

They just stood there and continued to stare at me. There was shock plain in their eyes. I just looked at them waiting for them to ask their question like I know they have. It didn't take long for the questions to begin either.

"What the hell was that?" Aden asked first. Wouldn't he want to know. Then there was Pete.

"Where did you get that set of pipes?" Then there was Samuel.

"Whoa. You bring a lot of surprises." Like true brothers, Jim and Tom asked together.

"What is that?" Wouldn't they all like to know. I thought about it for a second on how to explain to them about another power that I had.

"Well is like this boys, This is another one of my powers I was telling you about. This one effects my alpha voice."

"How does it do that?" Jim asked.

"You'll never hear it, but it can make my voice stronger than what you've heard."

"That's not clear! Give us something we can understand like an example." Aden said out of that mouth of his. I don't know how his mate deals with him.

"Let me think. If I use all the power for my alpha voice there would be sever earth quakes and the ground would have great cracks in them." They fall silent again with shock plastered across their faces. I look at each of their faces and I know the question is coming and I sure I'm going to have to answer it.

"What are your other powers?" They all asked in unison. They looked at each other then back at me waiting and expecting. Should I answer them? Do they deserve it? Well it could hurt. Could it?

"Fine (I see small pumps in the air and I roll my eyes). You already know that I can talk to the forest and control the wind. Now you know that I have a powerful alpha voice (That's an understatement was whispered under Aden's breath). My other powers is to grow and gain strength."

"Like I said before, please elaborate." Aden again with his mouth. I glared at him and continued on.

"I can grow in my wolf form to half the size of an average redwood tree. The other is gaining the strength from the moonlight whenever I chose."

"When was the last time you used those powers?"

"For the growing, it was to help the forest animals when there was a major flood. Using the moonlight was when I was running for my life in this forest fire a long time ago."

"What a life you've had." Jim says in awe. There is much talking after that, but we do get back to practice. We practice to the wee hours of the night until we can barely stand. It's been a very long day.


How was this chapter? Did you like finding out about Mai's powers? Isn't Aden annoying? I hope you liked the chapter. Hopefully the next one will be up soon! :3

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