02 Sawdust in your hair... and eyes and mouth

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Love, Rohirrim Style

Chapter 02

Sawdust in your eye… as well as your mouth and hair.

The early morning kitchen was bustling, busy as a beehive. Cook was wide-awake, already shouting orders; assistants were peeling potatoes, cleaning vegetables. A large boar from deep in the smokehouse was being carried up by two strapping teens, ready for spitting and roasting.

Aefre was up, Léoma fed and chewing contentedly on her father’s old glove. The young girl holding the babe on her lap giggled as Leoma mimicked the cook with her arm waving and shouting. If anyone else thought it amusing, they didn’t let on.

Eadignes was carrying a bag and following behind Gamling’s wife to the point of almost being attached to the woman. “Lady Aefre, I do not understand.”

“Simple.” Aefre continued to move through the kitchen, tossing various fruits and foodstuffs into the bag. She was making her way to the shelf where stored vegetables and caffe were kept. “I am sending Abéodan to Belfalis in Dol Amroth to warn the Princess that Éomer has a wild hair up his arse and to be prepared. I will attempt to delay the king as much as possible, but once that man gets his brain wrapped around something, he is as bad as Gamling!” 

“Ma’am?” Eadignes was one of the few that would speak up to Aefre, but she still did so with great respect and on occasion, some trepidation. “Edoras is snowed in. Many are trapped here. Elfhelm has been a veritable bear. Crácettan, the lute player has been forced to play for his supper and room. The drifts outside the walls are wicked high. It is cold. I really do not think Éomer King will be able to-” The girl jumped back, as Aefre spun around, her finger in her face.

“Where has the King been every night for weeks?” 

“Why… here in the common room. Well, last night, he went to the Blue Whale with Gamling and Elfhelm, but… oh ma’am, they did not do nothing but drink and sing. I have it on Crácettan’s word. Why, Éomer was so deep in his cups, only Wulfric would serve them!” 

“Exactly!” Aefre turned back to the shelf and began to take down dried tack, rations, and caffe. “He has been with no one and he complained bitterly last night he was tired of waiting.” She pivoted back to Eadignes, her arms full of containers. “She is beautiful, Eadignes; a lovely, intelligent young woman. She is caring, concerned for the well being of Rohan’s people. She has made certain that we have gotten more than enough to get us through these last two winters. She is learning to ride like a proper Rohirrim, speak our language. Don’t ask me how I know, but she has been practicing her Rohirrim by writing love letters to him.”

“How do you know that?”

Aefre turned back to the shelf and set the jars neatly on them. She began to pull the lids from the tops. “I said don’t ask! They are very…” Aefre tapped her finger on her lip for a moment, before putting more things into the sack and putting the canisters back in their places. “… earthy. She loves him, wants to be with him. And he loves her!”

“Béma!” Eadignes gasped in understanding. “That man’s balls are blue enough! No amount of snow will hold him back! He will go barging in like…” Dawning lit on the former whore’s face, “AEFRE!” All the noise in the kitchen came to halt, as everyone turned to stare at the girl. She blushed and whispered in a hiss. “He is liable to wrap her in his cloak right then and there on her father’s floor! Her people will think we are barbarians!”

Aefre was now heading out the back of the kitchens and towards the stables. “They already think we’re barbarians.” She stopped at the gardens, where Willan was shoveling snow from the soil. “Willan, go get Abéodan. Tell him to dress and pack warmly for a trip to Dol Amroth and to bring his gear to the stables now.” She continued to walk towards the royal barns before yelling over her shoulder. “And stop making mooney eyes at Eadignes. The two of you can steal some time at lunch!”

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