Chapter 1

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I suppose most would be shocked if you were asked to cheat on your boyfriend by your boyfriend but it was just another one of those things I had to do for him because he loved me. And I loved him. I smiled up at him now as he stroked my hand as we sat on a bench outside of Starbucks. We were waiting for the guy who would pay Grayson to have a night with me.

Grayson needed the money and I wanted his love. I knew perfectly well that this was forced prostition because I hated what he made me do with all my being. The only thing that made it bareable was Grayson. I didn't get any love at home and I only got it from Grayson. I wanted it like a drug.

Not that I had taken any before. I live a straight edge life other than the sex. And Grayson takes care of me. He makes sure the men and even woman are clean of STI's and STD's. He smiled back at me but it didn't reach his eyes.

"What's wrong, Babe?"I questioned. He went stiff and suddenly glared at me. I flinched under his heavy gaze.

"This guy is paying good money. Don't mess this one up!"he yelled. I blew black hairs from my face and nodded solemnly.

Then I smiled up at him again,"Since he's paying good money, later tonight we can go out."

"Rosie... It's an over night thing..."

I frowned and then a familiar black truck pulled up. The driver's side door opened and out came a familiar face.

"Hey, wait..."It was Grayson's best friend's older brother.

He was about 5 years older than me and was actually good looking with a mop of brown hair and crystal blue eyes. His mouth played a smirk.

"Hello, Rosie."He said. I looked to Grayson and he nodded. I skipped up to him gave him a hug.

"Well, hello there Caleb."

"You better have been worth the wait."He said and I gave him a solemn and pained look.

"Challenge accepted,"I said knowing Grayson was watching.


I faked a moan as he pushed inside me. We had already had sex three times but Caleb was a dog. After a couple minutes of rest he would want to go at it again. I hated this. I beat away the tears I wanted to shed. He restrained my hands back and I realized that he liked it rough. He kissed my neck and sucked on my spot that he had found sooner than Grayson. Terror swept through me as I felt the pleasure I didn't want to feel.

I felt myself tremble as he pushed in a few more times before he finally had his release. Then he relaxed ontop of me before he muttered "Night."

"Night."I whispered as I felt the tears spill out. I cried silently before I finally fell asleep.


Caleb's alarm clock buzzed loudly and he pulled me along with him to reach out a hand and turn it off. Then he turned to face me. I had actually been awake for awhile before the alarm was set off. I hadn't been able to move in fear that he might wake up. I remebered a night when I had woken up the guy besides me and he had beat me up for trying to leave. Then, he had raped me.

I shivered at the thought and met Caleb's eyes.

"So, when did you come home, Callie?"I asked him using my nick name for him. We had actually been friends before he went away for college.

He had a pained look on his face,"Since when did Grayson start selling you?"He questioned.

"A year ago. Why did you buy me?"I asked making the choice to ignore my first question.

"I had heard Grayson was doing this and I did have a small crush on you, Rosie. I wanted to see you again but I ddn't want another guy to take you."

I sighed refusing to ask the real queston that had been bothering me. Why did he have sex with me?

"I have to go to school and you kept me up way to late."I told him and he seemed to blush. I got up from the bed and grabbed my clothes and getting dressed.

"Drive me home,"I commanded and Caleb chuckled before getting dressed in clean clothes and grabbing his keys. We exited his room and entered the hall just as Ethan, Grayson's best friend, came into the hall. He saw me and his eyes lightened in suspicion as he saw me with his brother early in the morning.

"What are you doing here?"He asked and I looked away.

"She spent the night."Caleb said.

Ethan whipped his head up to look at his brother. They didn't look anything alike. Ethan had black hair and cat green eyes and took after his mother. Caleb took after his father.

"I knew it! I knew she was cheating on Grayson."He seemed to to do a happy dance. And that's when I began to cry.


I really like this one even if it's messed up and hardly anyone will read this. Keep in mind that you don't know Rosie's home life for the ones who do read. ^^ Mwhahha. Yeah, i don't know why I did that...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2012 ⏰

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