I Am.... Gods story

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Chapter 1 -

      It is I, Sataniel. So there the world  has it, said and proclaimed as my very own. And you may ask why he speaks it so comfortably as if it's his favorite dish, of linguini stuffed with clams and shrimp, or a good T.V. show scripted by intriguing dialogue, plot and good acting. See,  I need you to realize how normal it is for me in this era to admit my existence and heavenly powers. Simply because there's falsehood about my powers in the heavens and upon Earth.

There is truth, however,  that I am powerful beyond belief up above.  Indeed, I did say above: Heaven, paradise, and celestial bliss or whatever you  must label it, whichever words are fitting to your vocabulary. But do not take my strength being on heaven lightly, and doubt the marvelous heavens are not spectacular, and that no man made book can articulate its elegance and intelligence and glamour, because Gods fortress is beyond compute. Just look at the breath taking views of the Appalachian mountains, or the Amazon rain forest and the great stretches of greenery, and you'll have an inkling of an idea. Imagine, a hundred times in substance, color and design.

 God is great.

 That's why this testimonial  will garner opinions and view points,  and spark debates and cause  controversy. But to the heavens this is my true account. I am Gods story as you are, and all of his creation. And before we go any further, I'll like to point out that there are two heavens - upper and lower heaven. But we'll get to that in due time. I don't want to overwhelm you with too much all at once. This story should move along moderately so you can digest every word, imagine every scene and be judge of my character, and be the listener that listens and the reader that reads and think objectively. At least, this is what I'm yearning for, or rather I'm asking for the benefit of a doubt.

Because I've sat on clouds, roamed the earth in flesh and contemplated  whether or not to tell my story, and furthermore; how would my tale be received. Then I figured if I held the minds and ears of archangels in upper heaven as I explained my grievance, and even bantered with God on these very issues, I'm quite sure his creation would hear my line of reasoning. Because truly, this is not about choosing sides.

It cannot be because my Father is the omnipotent , and all knowing. He's a merciful God, and I cannot compete with his greatness.

But rather, I'm getting my true account out to the masses, and as I said before 'I am' - Gods story. There's a lot of scriptures known and unknown and its a lot unheard, and I can lead you to documents, scriptures and even scrolls but this is all recorded by mortal men. I'm giving you the opportunity of a life time, to read the story of an immortal, heaven sent and the worlds most talked about antagonist.     Every language on this earth speaks of me, branded me a name and carry their own myths.

  Like god, I hear, read and study everything. And that led me to watch and admire the great campaign on Earth by institutions being built on faith, sweat and godliness,  where your Cardinal Bishops are draped in fancy garments delivering lectures about me, or the Deacon that command choirs to sing sweet notes to fill the church as if it would keep me away. It doesn't work that way, nor will it. I do not champion evil as humans do. There will be two murders committed by humans before I finish this paragraph.

Its called freewill, your choice to choose whether to do right or wrong. And it kills me to hear people say, "the devil made them do it."

No! It was the freewill of humans nature. Take a good look at humanity and it's history and you tell me.

This is the reason God and I have a fair agreement.  But please be clear, there wasn't a written contract or even a verbal agreement, but in so many ways he told me go and do what I must, examine books of his approval, and study his creation's  and be who I am.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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