Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Aubry’s POV…

(The Hospital------>)

It’s has been two days since the amazing night I had spent in Brad’s bed. God only knows how the skin hasn’t burned off of my neck and my face with the amount of heat that I have generated with all the blushing that comes from just recalling the events of that evening and then later on into that night. That man was too much, too much on my senses, and on my nerves. He was like some potent high end drug that I am now severely addicted to, and I find that when I am away from him I craved him, that I needed him more than I needed air to breathe.

Sighing heavily, I made sure I had everything that I needed for work tonight. And I slung my satchel over my shoulder and grabbed my coat from the peg by the door. This was going to be a challenging shift because this would be the first shift I have to work with Brad since we have become intimate. I just hoped and prayed that I didn’t give myself away to my co-workers by just looking at Brad’s utter deliciousness and flushing like a schoolgirl.

I locked my door and shrugged into my coat. I made my way to the lobby of my building and peered through the glass to see if the cab that I had ordered was out there yet. It was too cold to walk and I didn’t like to drive on my own, so I never thought it was prudent for me to buy my own car. I peered through the gloom and the lightly swirling snow and I had to do a double take. Brad’s sleek car was waiting on the curb and he had actually parked and opened the door, bundled in his winter coat he made his way to the entrance and my frozen form.

He opened the door and a gust of frigid air mixed with his mouth watering cologne hit me directly in the face. And oh my, I just wanted to wrap myself around the man and never let go.

“Hey Baby, you ready to go?” He smirked at me after he pulled his scarf down from over his nose.

I stood there blinking at him like an owl. “What are you doing here?” I muttered. My brain was on complete meltdown at this point.

“I wanted to surprise you, and I wanted to see you before our shift starts so here I am. We can ride in together.” He stated as he made his way over to me and made sure that I was bundled into my coat. He even went as far as pulling my hat and my gloves from my limp fingers. He pulled the cap over my hair and lifted each of my hands and gloved them. He took off his own scarf and wrapped it around my neck and brought it up over my nose and I could do nothing but close my eyes and inhale his heavenly scent that clung to the fabric.

I was on cloud nine as he wrapped those big burly arms around me and hustled me through the door to the car. I didn’t even feel the cold temperatures gusting through the streets, because Brad used his larger frame to shield me from most of it while he handed me into the warm vehicle like the most precious thing he owned. I felt so cared for and so special as he leaned over and buckled me into the car. When he was done he leaned up and ran his gloved finger over my cheek before straightening up and closing the car door.

It wasn’t until he rounded the hood and got back behind the steering wheel before my mind cleared enough for me to worry about arriving at the hospital at the same time and getting out of the same car. I went to open my mouth but he had already anticipated my concern. “Doctor’s private parking; no one will see you exiting my car. And even if they do, I don’t care.” He said and I puffed out my cheeks and kept silent because I had nothing to say to that.

Night Nurse (ManxMan) TLC Book #1Where stories live. Discover now