Born Of Fire Chapter 61

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Sorry everyone, I am apologetic to no end. I wrote this chapter, and had a seriously hard time with it. Near the end is the part I had a problem with, and I hope everyone will tell me what they think of it. The only reason I did not post is because, I was called out of town. I've driven eight hundred miles, maybe gotten four hours of sleep in the past three days, and fretted to no end about posting this or not. I hope you enjoy, and there is no challenge for this chapter, because I am going to post another within the next day or two to make up for being late. Please vote and comment!!!

Phoenix scoffed, and let his control of the elements go, climbed back on his horse and led the others out of the city.

For half a day they rode, putting distance between them and Lanaro. By a bubbling brook they finally slowed, Phoenix dismounting and leading his horse to the water. His horse dipped its head the clear water and Lindani dismounted next. By now Phoenix knew the routine, and simply opened his waterskin. Lindani flexed her right hand and brought it up from her waist, and a stream of water followed, flowing directly into Phoenix’s open and waiting vessel.  She finished, and he brought it to his lips, relishing the cool liquid running down his throat. Spedro and Ember caught up then, and she dismounted first, while he surveyed the area intently.

“I do not like being out in the open like this Phoenix,” he said. “We should water our horses with haste.”

Phoenix nodded curtly, and watched Lindani fill Ember’s waterskin as well. Both Lindani and Ember’s horses drank deeply from the stream, then they mounted them once more. Having the women on watch seemed to put Spedro at ease, and he dismounted, leading his horse to the brook. He raised a hand as well, and a small tremor could be felt running through the ground as Spedro’s idea took shape. Phoenix watched with the eye of a student as Spedro knelt down by the brook and grabbed a larger then his hand, and seemingly crushed it between his palms. He began working on the smaller lump of stone his hand, opened his hands a moment later, and a smooth mug now sat in his open palm. He knelt warily to the stream and filled the mug, then brought it to his lips and drank deeply, still watching their surroundings. Phoenix and Spedro both mounted their horses and the four turned west, heading farther from Lanaro with every moment.

“Lindani? Where are you?” called Phoenix.

“Here!” came the reply, and Lindani emerged from the brush surrounding the small clearing a moment later. Night had begun to fall, and the four stopped for the night. Spedro and Ember went to hunt, while Lindani and Phoenix stayed behind to set the tents and start a fire.

“Can you find me the main spike please?” he asked, pointing to the jumble of spikes and ropes on the ground near her feet.

She knelt, and started rummaging through the pile, coming up a moment later with a large spike in her hand. Thanking her, he grasped it and threaded it through the canvas of the tent, then raised his foot and stomped on it, sending it to be flush with the earth. He turned to tend to the roaring fire when he caught Lindani’s eye. A mischievous glint sparkled there for a moment and he raised an eyebrow.

“What is that sm- oof!” was heard before Lindani pushed him. He grasped onto her shirt, bringing both of them into the tent together, landing in a tangle of arms and legs. She giggled and he laughed. “What has come over you?”

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