The Blue-Eyed Runaway - Chapter 5

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What? Is someone calling me?


“Who’s there?” I called out.


“What is it?”

Alex.. help me..

 “Help you with what? Who are you?” It’s completely dark. Even if I could see, I’m not sure if I would like what I would see. The voice sounded  desperate but also familiar. So far away but also close.

It’s me.. look at me!

“I don’t know who you are.”

Yes, you do! Think harder. Don’t look with your eyes, close them. Use your other senses; smell, touch, hear, taste. After you do that, your eye sense will awaken with it. Quick, don’t think but do, before it’s too late!

“I don’t understand. I – AAAHHH!” I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I don’t know how pms-ing feels like but this hurts like hell!

Quick listen to my voice and follow it. Try to grab it but not with your hands.

What is she talking about? How can I grab her voice? Oompff, it feels like I got punched over and over again. Just when it was unbearable I heard a voice singing.

There's a drumming noise inside my head

That starts when you're around

I swear that you could hear it

It makes such an all mighty sound

I closed my eyes and concentrated on her voice. The pain seemed to lessen.

There's a drumming noise inside my head

That throws me to the ground

I swear that you should hear it

It makes such an all mighty sound

Louder than sirens

Louder than bells

Sweeter than heaven

And hotter than hell

I ran to the tower where the church bells chime

I hoped that they would clear my mind

They left a ringing in my ear

But that drum's still beating loud and clear

Louder than sirens

Louder than bells

Sweeter than heaven

And hotter than hell

Louder than sirens

Louder than bells

Sweeter than heaven

And hotter than hell

[ Lyrics from: ]

Louder than sirens

Louder than bells

Sweeter than heaven

And hotter than hell

As I move my feet towards your body

I can hear this beat it fills my head up

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2012 ⏰

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