Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4:

I awoke to my mom's face hovering above mine, she was freaking out, as usual. I took a quick look around and noticed i was in my mom's bedroom on her bed, my sister was no where in sight. i started to ask my mom something but she shushed me and told me to relax and stay calm. She couldn't explain my sudden reaction of fainting but she thought i had not drunken enough water or i didn't eat enough. i knew what it was, the shovel, i shuddered as i remembered the blood...was it blood or just mud? i realized i had been overeatign about nothing so i decided it was just dried mud, although i didnt fully believe it i tried my best to. My mom left the room only to return with a glass of water and a bowl of chiken noodle soup. i wasn't hungry but i wasn't about to complain to my mom, especially after what just happened.

Once i finished eating and my mom left em in peace to rest i thought about everythign that had happened. Why did my mom keep on saying that i fainted because of food loss or not enough fluids, couldn't she see the shovel? If she couldn't how exactly was i to explain the past events? i wonder why she can't see the shovel, maybe its a message from someone...maybe its a message from the dead! No Daphne, you have just been reading too many horror stories, but what if it is the truth? there is no other explanation...

I drifted off into a light sleep only to be woken up by my sister slamming my bedroom door open. She looked like she had seen a ghost, what was that all about? Maybe she....she interrupted my thoughts with the quick scream of "HE IS HERE!" i was confused about her reactions, and what exactly did she mean by "he is here"?

"What? What do you mena by 'he is here' sis, are you going crazy?" i asked her tryign my best to look confident.

"You know exactly what i mean, you have seen the signs as well." she replied, a bit less scared now.

"What 'signs' are you talking about?" i asked her more freaked out now than i was before.

"The shovel...the ring...the note." she glanced sideways at me. "he is trying to talk to us, to tell us something."

"Who is and how did u know?" i asked confused.

"i know a lot." she retorted."and you know exactly who i am talking about."

"Why dont you tell me who we are talking about so that i dont confuse people?" i said nervously, hoping that i was thinking of the wrong person.

"Our dead brother." she stared into my eyes.

"You mean he is trying to haunt us?" i gulped.

"No, not us. You." she said.

"You mean, he is after me?" i said.

"Yes, by the way he is torturing you he seems to be playing  with you as though you're his toy." she replied thoughtfully.

"ok." i swallowed again trying to stay under control.With that she decied to leave me in peace to think about everything.

i was glad to be left in peace but i also wanetd to discus this situation with my sister, she would probably know what to do. Considering this is the first time a living dead is after me! i thought about asking my parents but then decided not to because they would either think i was crazy OR nto believe me because i had no proof. Wait a minute, of course i had proof! The note! The note eh had sent me, that is prefect proof! Then if i tell them i can show them the note...they still won't believe me though, because anyone can just copy someone else's handwriting and they will find teh slightest mistake and say it is not his. Not a good idea, i will ask my sister what i should do next tiem i see her, but for now i should just wait.

My mom came back upstairs to check on me about an hour later. i was kind of uncomfortable around her, still in shock from what my sister said, so i lied and made her leave quickly. i needed a lot more time to process what my sister said. How would i bring up the subject again? i would probably find the perfect time to ask her, or at least i hope!

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