Chapter 10

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Copyright  ©2012 MandyMuch

All Rights Reserved.

Chapter 10

 The next few days went by pretty fast; Megan just caught up with some friends and spent time with her family. On Thursday night at dinner Nat and Alex announced that they will be leaving the next morning to go pick up Nat’s parents and they wouldn’t be back till Tuesday night. Nat mentioned that she missed the house she grew up in, and Alex suggested they spend more time there and that’s how a weekend away turned to almost five days away. Alex looked at the two guys sitting across from him; wagging a fork between each boy he strictly warned them not to make any plans for parties, which caused a few smirks and chuckles to go around the table.

The next morning Megan woke up sometime before seven to catch her parents before they left for the weekend. After kissing them goodbye she crawled back into bed, it was going to be a long day and she needed all the energy she could muster up.

Zach and Luca had left to get supplies for the party by the time Megan slowly hopped out of bed at ten. While she was drying her hair after her shower Stacy called asking if she could come over. Fifteen minutes later both the girls started putting away all the valuables and breakables from the major traffic areas downstairs. Brady and Danni helped the girls as well, Megan knew that those two would never rat them out to their parents. Danni even made twelve ready to bake pizzas and a few dozen chocolate chip cookies so no one got hungry at night, she stuck the pizza in the fridge and gave the girls specific instructions on how to bake them up before she left.  

At around three in the afternoon the boys returned with four large boxes, Zach quickly set the box on the floor in the foyer, and went out again returning shortly with another box.

“What’s in the boxes?” Stacy asked trying to open them, but failing as Zach swiftly moved the boxes to the dining room.

“Party supplies, booze, games, some decorations, strobe lights and other stuff. Joseph is DJ-ing and he has all the stuff for that so he’ll be by in an hour.” Zach said unpacking the huge bottles of flavored vodka, rum, tequila, Smirnoff ice and beers. He also took out a large variety of mixers which consisted of cranberry, mango, pineapple, orange, apple juice, and some pop.

Stacy quickly grabbed the raspberry flavored vodka, “Can I claim this? I love raspberry and mango juice together and this is the best brand there is.” She said hugging the bottle to her chest.

Zach laughed, “Sure, we have two more of those, all the girls love this flavored crap for some reason.” He placed the rest of the bottle on the tables and opened the next box which held fancy plastic cups for drinks and then cards, ping pong balls, and red cups for games.

“Wow you came all prepared.” Stacy said picking up a deck of cards and looking at the expensive cars illustrated on the back of them.

“Where did Luca go?” Zach asked looking around when he realized the guy that came through the door with him was no longer in the room. Megan and Stacy were so caught up in looking at all the things Zach took out that they didn’t notice Luca was missing until Zach said something.

“Luca!” Zach yelled loudly. “Luca!” he continued to repeat until Luca finally came through the door into the dining room, with his head tilted to the side, resting against his shoulder and a phone stuck between his ear and his shoulder. He was carrying two boxes stacked on top of each other as he continued to talk on the phone. Zach rushed to go help the guy out by taking the top most box and bringing it to the table.

“Yea I will, love you too Vic take care.” Luca said into the phone before placing his box on the table and hanging up.

“Sorry man didn’t know you were on the phone.” Zach told him opening up a box.

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