Chapter 20

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Shouting, worried voices, and agonizing pain – it all trickled through to Akira as she lay unable to move. Darkness engulfed her from all sides, seeming to wrap her in its depths. There was no light; not even a flicker of it.

Hang in there, Kiddo, a familiar voice begged in her mind. It was foggy, yet Akira heard the panic, and agony, in it. It sounded wrong; she knew that voice was supposed to be filled with laughter.

She was drifting out of consciousness, only to be anchored in the present by a yell. "They're withdrawing!"

There were excited shouts all around.

"Haiden's leaving!"

For Akira, everything went silent. Her mind was heading to a place away from the pain. Then, she was aware of someone shaking her.

"Akira?" Gina's voice was filled with panic. Akira didn't respond. Her body was as heavy as lead, and she felt as though fire was burning in her veins.

"Someone help!" Gina screamed.

"Call the healers!" another voice yelled a few moments later.

"Stay with me, Akira," Gina sobbed. Akira felt her hands touch her arm. They felt surprisingly cooling, yet brought little relief.

There were voices all around, yet they were confusing and blurred together as one. Pain, more excruciating than the first time, washed over Akira.


Not able to take any more, Akira's mind sent her back to that peaceful place of nothingness.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

You didn't kill her. Fury's eyes were glued on his rider.

Haiden was still in his armor, his sword strapped to his side. He looked in no hurry to remove either. A few feet from him, two riders were working around the black dragon, removing his armor from the battle they had returned from.

They were in a courtyard before Haiden's palace.

Nor did you let me finish the white dragon. The displeasure in Fury's tone was evident to his rider, yet Haiden was unfazed as he walked over to a table which had been set up for him. Though it was filled with a feast fit for an army, there was only one chair at the head.

Ignoring it, Haiden opted for leaning against the table. He reached for a bowl of grapes and plucked one. For a moment he rolled it around in his fingers. Then, he popped it into his mouth. Closing his eyes, he savored the taste.

Your point? he lazily thought in reply to his dragon.

The riders around Fury removed the last pieces of armor. Being done, they hurried from the courtyard.

Fury walked towards his rider, his eyes still on him. We could have ended it.

Haiden snorted. He reached for another grape, yet then he changed his mind and went for a wine goblet instead.

You're putting it off, Fury told him.

I'm having fun. Haiden played with the goblet, making the wine in it swish around. It's my game. When I say enough, it ends, and only then. He took a gulp of the wine.

Fury's tail swished. He was still watching. It's making me restless. The black dragon turned, and paced before Haiden. I won't be happy until the white dragon and rider are gone, he added with a growl.

Haiden paused, the wine goblet at his lips. Slowly, he moved it away. My, my, Fury. Is that bitterness I detect? He raised his eyebrows. "Surely you're not angry that I ordered a retreat?" he spoke aloud.

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