10. [Amanda]

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It was Monday morning. After a long weekend at Isabella's house, I had to return back to my own home early this morning to get ready for hell—otherwise known as high school. The home for the preppy brats and stuck up rich tools.

"Welcome, Amanda," Mr. Carson greeted, as soon as I stepped through his door. "You're late."

"Sorry sir, I overslept," I replied, giving him my usual excuse, but this time I wasn't kidding. My dang alarm clock decided to be a dumbass this morning and didn't go off.

"Of course you did." He sighed, and pointed to an empty desk. "Just take a seat." Hearing a few chuckles from my oh-so-friendly classmates, my eyes narrowed into slits, glaring at them. They froze, shutting their traps all at once.

I obeyed and took the only available seat in the classroom. After seeing the familiar mop of hair in the chair next to mine, I didn't even bother to conceal a groan. Out of all the people I could've sat next to, it had to be Thomas? When he noticed me glaring at him, he sent me a big, disgusting grin.

"Hey, where's your little friend, Isacow?"

"What did you call her?" I asked, through clenched teeth.

"You heard me," he said, a smirk plastered on his face.

"She isn't a cow, so stop calling her that!" I shrieked. "She's not even coming to school because of you." I pointed at him and rose from my seat. Hearing the vague voice of Mr. Carson in the background, I contemplated sitting back down, but when I saw his sick smile, all thoughts flew out the window.

"That's awesome. We don't have to look at her ugly face ever again." He chuckled at his own joke, his friends joining in a moment later. My eye narrowed into slits, as I felt my temper rising.

"That's it! I had it with you and your sick comments."

"Amanda," Mr. Carson yelled, once more. "What do you think you're doing?" The whole class turned to look at me, their eyes wide with anticipation.

"Something I should've done years ago." I smirked, and punched Thomas Reed in the face. 

He let out an unmanly scream as he fell backward, his body landing awkwardly on the floor. Hearing the gasps, I knew no one expected that. I literally just gave their precious king a bloody nose, and I couldn't be happier.

"Miss. Rose, office, now!" Mr. Carson instructed, as Thomas continued to clutch his bleeding nose in his hand. It honestly took my whole willpower to not burst out laughing and make it worst for myself.


Gathering up my things, I gave Thomas a warning look as I made it out the door, feeling satisfied.

"Miss. Rose, what do you have to say for yourself?" the principal asked me as soon as I stepped inside his office. He didn't even had the decency to wait for me to sit down. Wow, way to get straight to the point.

"Nothing much."

"Really now?" he asked, crossing his hands together. "Mr. Carson just called saying you punched Mr. Reed in the face. Is that correct?"

"Yes," I stated blankly, not even bothering to grab a seat. Something tells me this was going to be a quick meeting.

"And why did you do that?"

"Because he made me mad," I pointed out the oblivious.

He sighed, and ran his hand through his balding hair. "What did he do?"

My High School Life [Rewritten - Ongoing]Where stories live. Discover now