Hunger games

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" welcome welcome. To the first ever hunger games!" chirped a voice. I was standing beside my best friend amandala.  

" Lilly you missed her name. Her name is redonda."  

" ha what kind of name is that?"  

" I don't know a Capitol name maybe."  

" ammy stop it. I'm not stupid it was a question that's not supposed to be answered." 

" what ever you do- "

" ok let's go with the ladies first. " haveing this new thing calle the hunger games is weird it's the first one ever. I watched her hand stir around in the bucket and then she pulled out a name. " may we please have our girl tribute amandala Harris come up."

Amandala. No my best friend. I look over and I see Marcus on the ground crying with mikey comforting him. " ok so we are aloud volunteers. If any young ladie out there wants to help this girl please make your way to the stage. " I look up and I see Marcus and mikey shaking there heads no at me. But I don't care I cant let my bestfriend go in. I don't even know what it's like. Only that you fight to the death and anyone between the Ages I'd twelve to eighteen can go in. And there can only be one winner.

" I volunteer " I shouted " I volunteer!" I make my way to the stage And when I get there redonda helps me up. 

" hello young lady. May I ask you age and name? And how do you know amandala?" great I don't want to cry up here I have to try to look strong.  

" I'm sixteen and my name is lilly. I met ammy I mean amandala on the first day of kindergarten. We became bestfriends that day. " 

" oh don't want your friend to have all the fame do ya?" 

" Uhh that's not the reason. The reason is one she's my bestfriend , I can't watch her die and two I can't I cant " I couldn't finish the sentence I couldn't. 

" comeing Lilly we want to know the second reason to." redonda said. 

I started To whisper " I can't let her boyfriend suffer." the crowd was silent they couldn't believe i was doing this so her boyfriend didn't have to suffer. About five minutes later redonda was pushing amandala of the stage. And telling her to get ready to say goodbye in the waiting room. Redonda started stirring her hand in the boys bowl and I was praying it wasn't any of my three boys. My boyfriend mikey , Ammys boyfriend or my thirteen year old brother skor.

" district twelves boy tribute is miles buddy." a boy about my age started walking towards the stage. His dirty blonde hair hiding under a hat and his green eyes looking at the ground. He looked like the kind of guy who would have a girlfriend. He got up to the stage and redonda started talking.

" hello there miles how you doing today?"  

" hello " miles replied back quietly.  

" well ok , lets get going." redonda said in a high pitched voice. Two peacekeepers were pushing me and miles to two different rooms where are familys and friends can say goodbye to us. They each got fifteen minutes to say goodbye.

Chapter 2

" honey , I'm going to miss you so much. I understand why you volunteered I just think it was a bad choice." my mon said with tears comeing down her face.  

"mom I love you and you know that. I dont think I can wi-" 

" stop honey be positive!" she snapped at me.

"sorry mom. justi dont think i can make it." we both burst into tears. we both couldnt stop then a peacekeeper came in and said there was only five minutes. my mom left then stilling crying she said love you baby girl. then left.

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