The Great War Of China

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     Once, there was a horrible war. It was large, and bloody. It was between ninjas and pandas. I know that sounds stupid and unimportant, but it explains how ninjas and pandas got their places.

     The pandas had powers from the Gods. Ninjas had their ninja stealth, and that was all. The Gods wanted the Pandas to win. I wish it could have been diffrent. It didn't,though.

     All of the ninjas  and pandas had wiped each other out. The only ones left were John Starr the ninja and Paul Littlepaw, the panda. Paul puffed his stomach out, getting ready to fire. John sat there, waiting. Paul shot a deadly rainbow beam. John jumped up into the trees.

     He shot into the trees, only to have the deadly rainbow beam shot back down towards him. Letting out a cry, Paul fell to the ground. He burst into little tiny peices.

     And that is why Ninjas cannot eat popcorn. The enddddddddddddd! :P

     Sorry, just a stupid story that will be in a collection of stupid short stories.

     Taaaaaaaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :P :)

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