Chapter 2

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"Finally!" I heard Braden announce as the flight attendent told us we could unbuckle our seat belts and exit the airplane. 

"Stop complaining, were in hawaii!"Brianna replyed. Braden just stuck his tounge out at her.

"Come on you guys. Let's just go!" Sometimes i get really annoyed by how much they argue.


I Jumped onto the maroon bed and was suprized by how comfortable it was. Our hotel room had two beds with lots of fluffy pillows and one bathroom with a ton of free little bars of soap. "Wow, this hotel is nice!" I exclaimed. "Ya I know, and we get this whole room to ourselves!"Brianna said.

Just then i heard a knock on the door. "Come in!" I shouted.  Brianna's mom entered. She had light brown hair with strands of gray in it and was  about 5,4. " Hey girls," She said," I just wanted to let you know that were going to have dinner on the beach in 30 minutes." 

"Kk, we will be down there soon!" Brianna responded. 

"Lets go right now." I said when Brianna's mom left the room. "Ok." And with that we strolled to the beach.


Our little 'picnic' was actually set up pretty decently. There was a big blanket spread out on the ground and next to it a bon fire. Drinks, chips, plates, and plastic utensils occupied one corner of the blanket leaving the rest for us to sit down comfortibly.

When we all were there ready to eat Ms. Wilson told us to get around the fire for a picture. I stood up and posed by the fire along with Brianna, Braden, and Mr. Wilson.

"Say cheese!" She said as  the camera flashed. " I wanna see it!" Braden hollered as he was handed the camera. 

"Hey kelsy! Look a this." He handed me the camera. I  gasped. The smoke from the fire made the perfect outline on a man holding a knife, ready to stab someone. But when i looked closer I realized the knife was to my head. It looked like he was going to stab me.


Okay, first of all i just want to say thank you for reading! 

I hope you like the story so far! ill try to upload asap! 





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