Chapter Nine

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It was certain. A finality. Undoubtedly true.

September was going to be a bitch.

August was at its end, and I felt giddy saying goodbye to the last month of summer. But it had been such a bad month, I didn't care whether it would be fall or not. I'd rather say hi to the dying nature, than the bitch of the summer I was currently trying to work my way through.

I was late, later than late. I was epically late and I knew I would be biting the dust as it were candy, because boy was I in trouble.

And to top that was the fact that I was so late, I came to third period looking like a madman, panting by the effort of jogging all the way.

Mrs. Braw looked at me smugly, as if enjoying the truth before her. She handed me a note wordlessly, not even looking my way as she returned to the board.

My cheeks were red, I was tired, I was almost falling to the ground by my wobbly legs, but I did manage to show my bubbly joy perfectly.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!"

Mrs. Braw's lips turned into a thin line.

"Excuse me?"

Realizing what an embarrassment I was making, not for myself, but for the class-, no, wait. They are definitely not embarrassed, they are smug those bitchy little gnomes. An entertainment playing before their eyes without them even wishing for it.

I grew a small hatred for the humanity.

"Nothing." I muttered low, and went to my seat again.

"That'll be three more-"

"Mrs. Braw-"

"And the principal's office. Since you don't seem to take my class seriously you may as well spend your time there." Mrs. Braw, the cold blonde as she was even managed to give me an icy smile, handing me another note that she basically slammed down on the table.

I looked at the yellow colour, the fine cursive writing that was describing my doom.

Me and my big mouth..

Wanting to not share oxygen with this woman for another second, I stood up proud with my chin high, hoisted my bag back up on my shoulder and waltzed out, knowing the classroom would be filled with gossip-like chatter about my actions.

I wanted to feel a bit of pride again like last time, but this time was a bit different.

Getting detentions, nine in total, going to parties, pick fights with a stranger (Though in my defence, he had it coming, that Dipshit.).

Realising what awry road I have taken, I was wondering where I was heading to.

Oh well.

I can ponder about that in the Principal's office. Which was none other than Loren Fall. The same middle aged woman that Zack attacked not two weeks ago.


Because he parked the bike wrong.

Why'd he attack, of all things?

Because the Dipshit was batshit crazy. At least, that's my theory. Also that he used to be a jail bird and recently released for good behaviour. I have a lot of chatty girls that can back me up on that idea too.

Loren and I haven't exactly crossed paths before, but when we saw each other, as student and Principal, we'd nod and smile. A quick hello and good luck on good days.

Today wasn't one of those days.

I went into the office and the lady behind the desk, working as a secretary almost, told me to wait.

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