cam's POV

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as i walked in to the building i could see karan, skai, and symone running around.

symone was karan's girl friend they were so sweet and nice together!!! we met her at a meet and greet 3 months ago and they are still going strong!

on the right i could see debby writing in her song book.

and i heard my name being called by peyton from her dressing room.

"how did she hear me? i didnt say anything?" i walked straight to her dressing room and i could hear skai symone and karan say "whats that about?"

i walked in to the dressing room so see peyton  on her pink tablet.

"so cam who's that boy?" she asked not looking up from her tablet.

"oh um no one pey its no one..." i tried to play it off 

"oh so you kiss random guys at the movies cam? mhm i dont think so cam" she said still not looking up from her tablet.

"okay fine yeah i met him from the pizza place and we kinda hit it off" but right when i finished that sentence i hear some one singing? it sounded like chris?

i ran out of peytons dressing room and she wasnt far behined.

we both turned in to skai's dressing room to see chris on the was someone recording him singing at the mall and under the video it said unexpected talent found singing!!!

"no freaking way" i muttered

peyton looked at me "he can sing!!!

i just smiled.

the news lady spoke again two mangments are trying to get ahold of him. one of them is modest and modest is manging one direction.... and the other mangement is larry rudolph who is manging miley cyrus....

skai turned off the tv and said "i wish i had his voice. hes's going to be really famous."

"like really his voice is just amazing!!!" said symone.

i gotta call chris!

everyone just looks at cam "how do you know him?" 

i just stood thier awkardliy "um long story short he might be my boyfriend!!!! and cam ran out!

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