The Truth In Dying

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Every time you hear about Death, it's always cold.

Everything is ice....

But it's nothing like that.

You actually feel warmth. A kind of warmth unknown to the Living.

They also say it's peaceful...

Wrong Again.

It's Not.

It's really quite confusing. You don't just see you're life flash before you're eyes, you feel minute, of every moment, of every memory you've ever had; from the curiousity that comes with childhood, to the mysterious warmth that you're currently in. You feel deep emotions, and you're either floating above your corpse in a sea of memories, or you're sinking down toward the firey pits of the Unknown. Of course, no living scientist or reasercher could ever experience this occurence. No one could. Except for the Mute Ones, the Army of Skeletons. They are the only ones who know the story. You see, you can speak after death. But you only hear the Ones who went to the Forbiddens; Temptation, Anger, Fear. To enter the Safe Place, you must sware to silence. That is why this awful world is ridden with Hate. That is also why it must end, in a warm, thoughtful Death.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2012 ⏰

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