Love Hurts (Interracial Young Adult Romance)

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Copyright © 2012 Nicole Mckoy 


Seven years ago Jade’s parents died. She was only nine at the time and ended up having to move in with her brother. For a while she kept to herself not having any friends and just wallowing in grief. But now Jade is sixteen and a cheerleader in high school. She is friends with the popular crowd and even dates the star basketball player at school. This is her first boyfriend and she feels she is in love. But is love supposed to hurt. Her boyfriend can at times be aggressive, demanding, and disrespectful. But he tells her that he loves her so it’s all ok… or is it. Find out how Jade overcomes her first serious relationship and sees if this is really true love. 

 (This story will be told in Jade and Aden's points of view.)

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