Chapter 11

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Hi everyone!

Here is how you pronouce these two words, as some of you were wondering (hopefully it makes sense) :

Aeolus: ee'-oh-luhs
Morsydrus: more see-druhs'

Who do you see as Hailey and Chase?
I don't necessarily want people because they're really good looking, but more because they look like Hailey and Chase do (except for the wings of course).
In case you forgot, there's a summary of how they look on Chapter 8:)

Also I want to thank everyone who voted or commented, I can't tell you how happy they make me! Special thanks to my ever growing number of followers!:)

And as usual tell me if you spot any mistakes (no, I won't be offended) ! :)


Chapter 11

Chase and I decided to sleep under the dome for the rest of the night. I was glad for the rest as I was much too tired to go any farther. I also suspected that Chase had hurt his wounded wing again.

We woke up a few hours later and ate some cereal bars that Chase had thoughtfully packed in his bag.

I yawned for possibly the tenth time this morning and rubbed my eyes. Chase, who was sitting beside me combing his right wing, sent me an amused look.

"What? Don't pretend you slept well. Not only is the floor as hard as a rock, it's also freezing cold." I complained.

"It's hard as a rock because that's what it is, Hailey." Chase smiled.

"Whatever," I said grumpily.

"Don't worry, once we get to the castle you'll have a comfy bed to sleep in."

"I'd better."

Chase got up and stretched. "Ready to go?"

I shook my wings painfully, dislodging a few stray feathers. This night's uncomfortable sleep coupled with yesterday's strenuous flight and my molting had not done well on them.

"I guess," I yawned once again.

We left the rooftop of the Tower of Two Worlds and flew off in the direction of the castle.


We had been flying for a little while, and although the cool morning breeze had helped to wake me up, it did not make my wings any less tired. Apparently, the castle was not too close to the Tower of Two Worlds so one could only reach it by flight.

"Chase!" I called out, "Are we almost there?"

Chase, who had been flying in front of me, turned around. "We should see the castle any minute, now."

We flew in silence a little more, and I veered to the left as I spotted a big fluffy cloud. I flew into it, reaching out with my hands at what dissolved into nothingness. Shaking my dew covered wings as much as it was possible while still flying, I giggled. If there was one good thing about this tiring flight, it was the few cotton-like clouds we had flown by, or in my case, flown into.

They looked so soft and fluffy that I couldn't help trying to touch them. A puff of whiteness came to hide my sight and I batted my left wing at it, pushing it away with a smile.

Suddenly, the smile dropped off my face, and I looked ahead of me with awe. A palace of glass and crystal stood tall in the distance. With its base hidden in the clouds, it seemed to be floating, a beautiful apparition in the endless blue sky. One of its tall crystal towers reflected the sunlight and created a rainbow that decorated a few passing clouds.

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