Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I managed to regain my breath after a couple seconds and eventually found the bathroom.

I locked the door behind me and dropped down to my butt laying my legs in front of me. I leaned my back ad head against the door. I don’t understand what it wrong with me. How do the simplest things he does make me go crazy?

Just remembering I had to pee, I got up and did my business. Once I finished, I glanced at myself in the mirror. My cheeks were flushed, probably from the event that just occurred, and my eyes were still black. I was still pale from not enough sleep and nutrients.

I don’t even understand how I manage to even think straight everyday form running on two hours of sleep. I don’t understand how I function on a daily basis with what my parents-

My parents. I forgot to tell them. I’m not going to be home tonight. Oh my gosh, what are they going to do to me when I get back. I gulped and fisted my hands in my hair. I’m so screwed. It’s not going to end well. I winced as I put too much pressure on my bad wrist.

Once I composed myself, I went back downstairs to find the group of friends in the same position except Tammy had moved to sit on a beanbag.

I let out a shaky breath and sat back down on the couch staring at my phone. 6:07.

This is going to be a long night. I sighed and watched as Wade and Momo battled it out to Tik Tok. I heard Zack and Juliet laugh when Momo tripped over her foot and landed on Wade causing him to take down the chair next to them. I held my breath so I didn’t start laughing.

They were quite amusing watching them try to stand up after pretty much breaking the chair.

“Guys! That was the good chair!” Tammy scolded to them pointing her finger for more emphasis. “You couldn’t have at least broken the one next to it!”

Momo and Wade just started laughing and Zack and Juliet just laughed harder. Tammy’s lips twitched up trying to keep a serious face, but we could all see passed it. Juliet got up from her spot on the floor and walked over to Tammy. She put her thumbs on both sides of her lips and lifted them up.

“There’s the smile I love!” Juliet said.

“Let go of me,” Tammy tried to say, but it came out muffled due to not being able to open her mouth.

“Never!” Juliet screamed like a crazy person. I was beginning to think she was one.

“Get me ice cream!” We all turned to see Momo on Zack’s back kicking him in hopes he’d move.

“Get off my back then!” Zack said trying to shake her off, but she wasn’t. “You’re choking me!” he continued to yell as she gripped him harder so she wouldn’t fall off.

They were at it for about five minutes while the four of us just sat and watched. Momo had ended up staying on his back and we watched them retreat up the stairs.

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