Chapter Six

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Sorry for the wait but this is my February update.  :)  Enjoy.  And please, if you have an idea for the story, you are welcome to PM it to me.  :)


Over the next few days I went through the same routine of waking up at all hours of the night when the nurses came in, having breakfast around 8, tv or Skyping Becca (Aunty) then lunch, more tv or going on the internet then dinner, little bit more tv then sleep.  And throughout the day was spent on the breathing machine.  It was really useful but it sure was a hassle trying to move around.  Justin didn't come back that night.  In fact, he hasn't come back to see me at all.  He never answered my calls or texts, it went straight to voicemail every time.  I was beginning to worry about him..  I picked up my phone, deciding to try and call Caitlin instead.  She picked up almost immediately.

"Hullo,"  She answered.

"Hey Cait, how are you feeling?"

"Cut to the chase B, I know that you aren't calling to ask how I am, what do you really want to ask me?"

"Okay okay...  How's Justin?"

"There it is.  Uhm, to be honest?  He's sulking in the corner of my room right now,"  I heard Justin grumble in the background so I knew Caitlin was right.


"Do you wanna talk to him?" She asked, I thought about it for a second before replying.

"Will he talk to me?" There was muffling before Caitlin came back on.

"I dunno, we kinda had a mini fight and he walked out, I don't know where he went,"

"Aww Cait, don't ruin your friendship with him for me,"

"It doesn't matter, he needs to stop being a tool and talk to you, whatever its about,"

"Wait, he hasn't told you what its about?"

"No, he's just been sitting there in the same seat every day sulking,"

"Oh, ok,"

"Yeah, anyway, I have to go, I've got physiotherapy now, I'll talk to you later, see ya, love you,"

"Kay, have fun, love you too, byye!"  I said before I hung up.  The familiar sound of the squeaking of supras filled my ears and a small smile tugged at the corner of my lips.  Seconds later Justin appeared at my door with his head hanging.

"Hi," He spoke quietly.

"Are you alright Jay?" He looked up at me and it was then that I realised how much my decisions and the things I went through affected him as I saw those tears lining his eyes.

"I'm sorry for leaving you," His voice cracked as he spoke and he took a small step towards me.  I gestured for him to come closer and he bolted for my bed, jumping into my out stretched arms.  I had removed my breathing mask earlier and it now sat on my bedside table.

"I shouldn't have left,"

"And I should've talked to you about it more, but Justin, I have been making my own decisions ever since this started, you need to realise this, you also need to support me because if you can't support me with what I do, I don't know how we could ever work,"

"I'm sorry, I think it all came crumbling down on me whats happened and I've never had to deal with this sort of thing, I'm not used to it like you are,"

"I am in no way at all used to any of this, I may look like it but that is because I have to because no one else can handle it," Justin didn't reply, he just sat there watching me, not moving a muscle.



"Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, just thinking,"


"How I feel bad that what I did made you question our relationship,"

"Oh, right,"

"I really am sorry babe, and I'm here for you, for whatever happens, through thick and thin babe, I'll be standing right next to you," 


Okay, as I said at the top, this is my February update, and if you have any ideas of what could be in the next chapter, please PM me and I will be more likely to upload so if you wanna see what happens next, send me what you've got.  :)

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