Andy Biersack Love Story: 3

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And's POV

I took A back to the tour bus to find nobody there. I laid A on the couch in our "living room" and went to find a first aid kit in the bathroom. She had a bump on her head from where she hit the wall but it had stopped bleeding. She was still unconscious but she was breathing alright and her heart beat was steady. I heard people laughing outside and I readied myself to tell them what happened.

Sandra came in with Danny and Ashely who were laughing loudly about something, Ashely clearly drunk. "What the hell happned?" Danny shouted when she saw A lying on the couch where I was now cleaning a trickle of blood off of her cheek.

"We went to speak to her father." I whispered in outrage. I promised myself I wouldn't get mad. I started to sing in my head. Take your hand in mine, it's ours tonight. This is a rebel love song...

"Why would you do that?! Didn't she tell you how he is?" She huffed and moved to sit on the floor by A. "Why did you go there anyway?"

I shook my head and looked at A's pale face framed my her dark hair. "I want you guys to come on tour with us and I only thought it would be proper to ask her father first. She didn't tell me a thing about him." I took the rag that I was cleaning her face with and laid it aside.I stood up and walked to the kitchen sink where I filled a glass of water for Danny and a glass of scotch for A.

When I got back to the couch Adair had her eyes open and a tear was falling down the side of her face. "My head hurts." She mumbled. I smiled at her and handed her the scotch.

"Might help with the headache." I said and Sandra nodded. Danny smiled at A and talked to her while she gulped scotch. She finally said she was going to go home and get some clothes. She would be back in the morning.

"Biersack," She said when she pulled me aside before leaving. "I love your music and you're hot and all, but you better not do anything stupid while I'm gone." She hissed and then she was gone. I chuckled and sat down by A's feet.

"So, darling. You wanna sleep in my bed tonight?" I asked casually and Adair took a swig from her almost empty glass. It was her third and I decided it would be her last.

Sandra cut in and shook her head at me. "Not tonight Andy. I'll help her out and I'll share my bed with her." She took Adair's hand and helped her off the couch. "How does that sound?" A nodded tipsily and they made their way to Sandra's room that she shared with Ashely. I went into my bedroom and closed the door. I laid down on the bed and closed my eyes knowing that I would see Adair in the morning. I fell asleep thinking of her.

Sandra's POV

"I think Andy likes you." I told A with a grin. I had only know the girl for an hour and I already liked her. A sat on my bed while I rummaged around in my dresser for something for Adair to wear to bed. I grabbed an extra large Black Veil Brides that I had at the bottom of my top drawer and threw it at her. She giggled and picked it up.

"You guys look good on this shirt." She said with a burp and laughed. I rolled my eyes at her and chuckled.

"Lets get you dressed and in bed. You need some sleep. Jinxx said you don't have a concussion so you'll be able to sleep with no interruption. Now change and sleep!" I turned to my dresser and changed into an over-sized shirt like Adair's. When I turned back around A had her clothes scattered on the floor and was sleeping with her mouth open. I snorted and crawled into bed with her, turning off the light in the process. I heard Adair whisper Andy's name in her sleep and I fell asleep feeling happy for her.

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