Chapter 29

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You would think I had already learned my lesson about trying to run away from my problems. I didn't.

That was always the thing: everything I ever tried to avoid always came back to bite me in the ass.

Scarlett came by the palace the next night to check in and see how everything went with Louis. And when I told her nothing went with Louis, one could say she was a little furious.

"Are you kidding me? I had an entire inspirational pep talk with you just for you to wimp out? Oh, hell no. Come on. I'm driving you to Louis's flat myself."

"No, Scarlett, please don't make me! So many things could go wrong! Let me just live my life regretting this; it would be so much easier!"

At that point, I knew she wasn't listening to me. Nothing I could say would make her change her mind. I was going to see Louis whether I liked it or not. In the blink of an eye, Scarlett had me in a car en route to the very place I had been the night before.

We pulled up in front of the building and I almost pissed my pants. "Scarlett, I don't think you understand. I cannot do this."

"Listen to me, Rosie," she said, taking a deep breath. Once she started talking, I could tell why it was hard for her to say. "When Josh and I were making our will, it got him kind of worried about you. He had all these scenarios in his head, probably similar to the one that happened. He made me promise him that if he ever died that I would make sure you were okay and happy. And that's what I'm trying to do, but you're making it so hard for me. Josh wanted to see you happy, and so do I. So please, go into that building and fix everything."

I was speechless; how was I come up with a argument against that? Soon enough, I was exiting the car and making my way into the tall building.

Next thing I knew, I found myself standing in the hallway of Louis's flat. I couldn't build up the nerve to walk to his door and knock. He was probably so pissed at me. What if he just shut the door in my face? What if he didn't even want to hear my voice?

I eventually dragged my feet across the floor and managed to get as far as his door. And then I heard a girl's laughter coming from the other side.

I froze. At first, I was in shock. I had so many fears of how this would've happened, but the optimist deep down inside my heart thought everything would work out okay. I knew I should've assumed the worst - then I wouldn't be disappointed.

I slumped down against the wall, sitting on the ground. I felt too defeated to go back down to Scarlett. If she wanted to make me happy, then it now became a whole lot harder for her.

My head fell into my hands, but I didn't cry. I was sad, but overall I was just angry; angry with myself for messing everything up in the first place and angry with Scarlett for making me come here even though I knew she was just trying to help.

Suddenly, I heard the door open. I nearly jumped out of my skin. I looked with eyes that were nearly bulging out of my head down each side of the hall, but there was nowhere to hide! Where were the tall plants that people would keep their spare keys in that I could hide behind? I quickly got up to my feet and started to run down the hall. I tripped over myself and landed face down on the ground.

"Rosie?" I heard a familiar voice call.

Maybe if I didn't answer or move he wouldn't acknowledge me further.

"Rosie, is that you?"

I lied face down on the ground. I heard footsteps come closer to me and I panicked. When I felt his hands on my shoulders turning me over, I stopped breathing.

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