Flying and Quidditch

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The torrential rain which had seemed to be endless, pouring down on Hogwarts and its grounds for almost a week, finally cleared up just in time for their first flying lesson. The notice board in their common room paired Gryffindor with Slytherin for a lesson on Friday morning. “What if I’m awful Cassie?” asked Lily as they wound through the grounds following the procession of Gryffindor pupils to a lawn near the Forbidden Forest, the Slytherins close behind them.

“Don’t worry Lily, it’s easy; I’ve been doing it for years. Just don’t look down and you’ll be fine. We won’t be going very high today anyway I shouldn’t think.”

“But everyone seems to have done it all their life.”

“I think half the stories people are telling are massive exaggerations and if it makes any difference to you, the nearest scrape I’ve had was when I nearly hit a church spire. If people really did nearly hit aero… aero-”

“Aeroplanes,” Lily supplied.

“Aeroplanes then I think they would have got into trouble with the Ministry,” Cassie finished. Moments later their teacher arrived, a wiry woman with an incredibly loud voice.

“Right everybody, first things first, if I catch any of you messing about, and make no mistake I will catch you, you will be banned from playing Quidditch at any point during your time at this school. Understood? Good. Now, find a broom and stand beside it. On my command, and my command only, you will say ‘Up.’” Everybody in the crowd shuffled about as they tried to secure a broom near their friends; finally everyone was ready. “Now!”

Cassie’s broom jumped into her hand instantly, but it took Lily a couple of tries before hers rose off the ground; then their teacher, Madam Marwick, checked and corrected their grips. Once everyone was ready she told them to kick off, hover in the air and then return to the ground. “Now I will fly around the lawn and you will all follow me; one line, if you please and behave yourselves!” she cried as she rose into the air. Lily flew beside Cassie shakily, her face a mixture of amazement and terror as they formed a long line behind Madam Marwick. “How do you do it?” she asked in wonder as Cassie steered herself alongside Lily.

“It’s easy once you’ve done it for a while; I’m sure you’ll find it natural by the end of this year,” said Cassie. Suddenly Lily screamed as her broom began to rise higher than everyone else’s.

“What do I do Cassie?” she cried.

“Calm down! Here, I’ll grab it, you just relax,” Cassie said as she stretched out and pulled Lily back down to her height.

“I don’t like flying,” she said weakly.

“What’s the matter Snivellus? Can’t fly?” sneered a voice as Snape flew past, two people pushing into him on either side.

“Get him!” laughed Pettigrew as James and Sirius leaned in towards him, pushing his broomstick down towards the ground.

“STOP IT!” shouted Lily, looking as if she desperately wanted to help Snape but was terrified of flying away from Cassie.

“Mr Potter! Mr Black!” shouted Madam Marwick. “What on earth do you think you’re doing? Get away from the poor boy at once!”

“Sorry Miss,” they called as they turned around as if to make for the back of the line. Snape’s broom veered to the side and he lost his balance, tumbling towards the ground below at an alarming rate. Madam Marwick sped towards him, grabbing him by his robes moments before he hit the ground.

“Down! All of you get down here now!” she screamed as the Slytherins began to jeer at James and Sirius. “What do you think you were doing?” she shouted at them apoplectic, her face red with rage. “You could have killed him, you very nearly did! Twenty points from Gryffindor each and detention tomorrow night, both of you!” she shouted as Snape dusted himself off. “Now back to house all of you!”

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