Chapter 2

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Sorry the last chapter was a bit boring! It was just like, introducing Emily really. Hope you liked it?

Let me know what you think pleaseee? :)


Chapter Two

Emilys P.O.V

Okay, so I wasn’t exactly what you call a ‘Directioner’ but I knew who they were, and I admit they are all pretty fit. Keira was obsessed with them, and was constantly telling me about all the latest things they had been doing, but I didn’t really pay much attention. Their music was alright, but not up in my favourites.

However, when I found myself facing THE Harry Styles, I was pretty star struck.

“I..Uh, I-I..umm…” The ability of speech seemed to disappear from me as I stood back up after retrieving my coffee cup.

“Sorry!” He said again, his hands outstretched, as if looking for a way to assist me.

“No, it was totally my fault, I wasn’t looking where I was going” I replied, giving him a weak smile.

His eyes scanned down my body, stopping at my chest, and a smirk filled his face. Noticing this, I glanced down, and heat flooded to my cheeks. The coffee liquid had turned my shirt see through, giving everyone a clear view of my black lacy bra.

“Shoot.” I muttered, tugging at my blazer, attempting to cover it up. I heard a chuckle, and looked up, scowling at the source.

“It’s not funny! I’m meant to be going for a job interview!” I exclaimed, running a hand through my long, brown hair.

“Well let’s hope the interviewers a guy then,” He winked, “You’d be sure to get the job”

“Har. Har.” I replied sarcastically, frantically looking round, trying to figure out some way to fix this. Harry seemed to notice this, and placed a hand on my arm.

“Hey, I was just on my way home, why don’t you come with me and get cleaned up?” He said, looking into my eyes.

“” Woah. Wasn’t expecting that! “I don’t know, the interviews meant to be in ten minutes!”

“It’s cool!” He replied, “My apartment is just down that road there.” He said, pointing to somewhere behind me. I turned to see a small road leading off the main road, about 15 metres up from where we were standing.

“You can use one of my shirts, and then I’ll get Mark to drive you to the interview” He continued, then pointing to the burly looking guy standing behind us.

“Umm, okay? Thanks!” I said, hoisting my bag back onto my shoulder.

“Come on then!” He said, guiding me down the path and across the road, before then turning down the road he had pointed out earlier.

A short gasp escaped my lips as I took in the sight before me. Two massive buildings stood on either side of the road. They were made of brick, but the middle part of each building, from ground to roof, was made of glass. Ivy grew all up the walls of the buildings, giving it a magical look, and small pot trees stood either side of the front doors.

“Pretty isn’t it?” Harry smiled down at me, seeming to notice my reaction.

“It’s beautiful.” I whispered, still stunned by the appearance of them.

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