Chapter Two: Meeting Sensei

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'Dude, whats wrong?' I say as Naruto sits down. We only had ten minutes left for lunch, where'd he go before?

'Well..Uhmm...hmm' He says, not looking at me.

'Tell me!' I say, curious.

'Sakura-chan says I'm annoying! And then there's Sasuke, and he doesn't even like her!' He says, upset.

'Oh...Well why don-DID YOU SAY SAKURA?' I say/yell. He gives me a WTF? look.

'Well..yeah, but-' OMG!?

'YOU CAN'T LIKE SAKURA! She's a hoe...Hmph' I say.

'What? How is she a .....hoe?' He asks.

'Dude, you can do so much better..But if she likes you back, go for it' I say, realizing that she'd leave Sasuke alone...Wait, I didn't just think that on my..own did I?

(Ehh, I might have...made you.)

WHAT? Who are you?

( I'm your.....CREATOR!)


( Bitch. )

'Thanks Karasu. Lets go meet sensi! Yeah!' Naruto says, running back to the school.

'No problem. Lets go!' I say, running after him.


'He's late!' Naruto says, sticking his head out the door.

'Naruto! Just sit down!' Sakura says, annoyed.

'Shut up Sakura, stupid hoe' I say to myself. Sasuke, who has been watching me since we entered the room,chuckles. Creep.

I don't want to. How come our teacher is the only one that's late? I'm ready to roll, believe it! The other groups already met there new teacher and went off on some adventure or something and Iruka-sensi is gone too!' Naruto says, becoming impatient.

'Dude, put that eraser on the top of the door!' I say, giggling.

Naruto grabs a chair and sets the little prank.

'What are you doing?...Naruto!' Sakura says, walking over to him.

'That's what he gets for coming late! Surprise!' He says, getting down from the chair.

'Your asking for trouble. You know you shouldn't do that!' Sakura says. She starts talking to herself.

Wait, what? AHAHAHHAAH Sakura talks to herself! What is she saying?

'Cha! I love stuff like this!' She says to herself. I look to Sasuke, but he doesn't hear.


'Our teacher is a Jonin, an elite ninja. Think he'd fall for that?' Sasuke says, looking emo-ish.

'OHMYGOSH. Look Sakura!Sasuke said something! Arn't you going to agree and compliment him?!' I say, laughing.

She walks over to me. "SHUT UP KARASU! You little...FLOWER!' She yells at me. Did...did she just call me.a..a flower? AHAHAHAHAHHA LOL :')

'A flower? Really Sakura. Your giving me a headache' Sasuke says. Haha hes annoyed with you!

Just then the Sensi walks in. All our heads turn as we watch the eraser fall, and hit him on the head.

'AHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA You fell for it!' I say, between my fits of laughter.

'Ahahhahha! i got him! He totally fell for it!' Naruto says, laughing almost as hard as me.

'I'm sorry Sensi! I told him not to do it, but he wouldn't listen! I'd never do anything like that!' Sakura says.

All Those Happy Endings, And This Is The One I Get?! (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now